Syn 3 updater failed to validate (file) 3 times. ABORTING PROCESS!

Hello, so I am trying to dowload F10 Europe maps, but when Syn 3 updater try to upload files from PC to USB it keeps getting validation fail. If I uncheck that file, updater failes on other file. I have 64 GB USB 3.0. Not first time to update me SYNC3. I have other USB with F9 maps there was no problem. Now I have Syn3 Updater )

Seems like a faulty USB. Even if this USB worked fine in the past, it may have recently developed issues. Try another few USBs and if they still fail to validate then try another PC. Hard drive/SSD in the PC you are using might be bad and causing corruption.


Try another USB. Preferably USB 3.0.