Since the issue started while you doing calibrations and stuff on the BCM I also think it’s related to that. I do not believe this is a hardware issue, but software / firmware…
There are a few folks in the forums that know about this stuff, lets see if they come up with something…
It tells me you loaded a calibration and when the blocks were reduced you were confused why it would do this. Warlock told you to go back to the OEM AB and instead you did a calibration update.
People here are telling you what you need to do but you go off doing other things and that makes troubleshooting imposable when you are changing things people are unaware of.
The only calibration file i loaded was the one that the secondary boot loader used so i could access the bcm (main), before my issues started. I also discovered the reason i could not see all the BCM as built blocks is because there was an issue with the version of forscan i had, so i downgraded and then got access to all the blocks to do load factory ab, which i did.
Also since i did the downgrade there is no longer the message stating the connecter is not recommend.
I also apologize for confusion i’ve caused. Some of these things can go over my head at first, and i’m just trying to make sense of everything. because honestly I don’t know exactly what i need to do.
Well, let’s start by buying a good adapter that’s fully supported by the current release of ForScan.
I’d recommend an OBDLink EX, some folks use the VLinker but my experience with the VLink has been hit or miss, OBDLink has always been rock solid.
Thank you for all your guys help. I’ll try resetting to modules tomorrow. also thank you for the obd recommendations, i’ll look into ordering one of the ones you recommended.