Unable to open Interrogator Log XML File

What is your SYNC Region?
North America

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What region is your SYNC APIM?
North America

What was your old SYNC Version?

What is your new SYNC Version?

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

The XML file you have selected could not be read, please ensure this is the correct fole. If you are sure this file is correct please contact CyanLabs so we can investigate further."

How did you update, Ford Website / CyanLabs Website / Syn3 Updater?
Syn3 Updater

If you answered Syn3 Updater above;

(Log files can be found on the root of your USB drive or in %localappdata%\CyanLabs\Syn3Updater\Logs)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<p:OTAModuleSnapShot xmlns:d2p1="urn:ford/Vehicle/Module/Information/v3.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:p="urn:ford/com/productdesign/ipp/ModuleSnapshot/v2.0" version="2021-08-24" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ford/Vehicle/Module/Information/v3.0 ModuleSnapshot.xsd">
    <d2p1:DTC DTCValue="f0031608"/>
  <p:Node isFlashed="false" specificationCategory="GGDS">
    <d2p1:ECUAcronym name="APIM">
        <d2p1:Gateway gatewayType="NONE">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Embedded Consumer Operating System Part Number" didValue="8033" responseLength="24">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="Packeted" didType="Embedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1" didValue="8060" responseLength="384">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="Packeted" didType="Embedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1" didValue="8061" responseLength="384">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU Checksum 1" didValue="D704" responseLength="4">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU Checksum 2" didValue="D705" responseLength="4">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE00" didValue="DE00">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE01" didValue="DE01">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE02" didValue="DE02">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE03" didValue="DE03">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE04" didValue="DE04">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE05" didValue="DE05">
          <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE06" didValue="DE06">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number" didValue="F110" responseLength="24">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Core Assembly Number" didValue="F111" responseLength="24">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Delivery Assembly Number" didValue="F113" responseLength="24">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Calibration Data #1 Number" didValue="F124" responseLength="24">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Private Sub Node #1 Serial Number" didValue="F141" responseLength="16">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="State Encoded" didType="Software Download Specification Version" didValue="F162" responseLength="1">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="State Encoded" didType="Diagnostic Specification Version" didValue="F163" responseLength="1">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number" didValue="F188" responseLength="24">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Serial Number" didValue="F18C" responseLength="16">

          <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU MAC Address 1" didValue="F1D0" responseLength="6">
          <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU MAC Address 2" didValue="F1D1" responseLength="6">
    <d2p1:ODLNetwork d2p1:NetworkDataRate="500" d2p1:NetworkName="HS-CAN" d2p1:NetworkProtocol="CAN" d2p1:DLCName="SAE J1962" d2p1:Pins="6,14"/>
    <d2p1:DTC DTCValue="f0031608"/>
    <d2p1:AdditionalAttributes logGeneratedDateTime="2021-08-24T14:18:15+00:00" RAM="1417015296" vmcuVersion="Vector_VMCU_02.02.20">
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/Nuance/" total="465M" available="3.2M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/Nuance/grace" total="775M" available="5.8M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/rwdata/" total="1.2G" available="1022M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/rwdata/quip/" total="35M" available="35M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/rwdata/quip/" total="90M" available="90M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/mp/" total="1.4G" available="132M"/>
      <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/images/" total="3.0G" available="1.7G"/>

Please provide any further details below

Hello, I recently upgraded my SYNC 3 to version 3.4, and everything is working great. However, when I went ahead to create a new Interrogator Log File with the updated SYNC 3.4, and tried to open/upload the XML file in Syn3Updater, I got the error stated above. I tried to to this several times, re-creating the Interrogator Log XML file several times, but I still got the same error. Thank you for creating such an amazing app, I still can’t believe that this is free. I would happily donate for your efforts.


I took the liberty of editing your post to hide your VIN number, since it was in both the file name and code you sent.

About your issue, just a quick question: when you created the interrogator USB, did Syn3Updater already had the correct “current version” set?.
The interrogator code is Sync3 version dependent.

But lets wait for people that know more than me about these issues.


Yes, thank you for editing the VIN number out, I appreciate it. About your question, yes, I made sure to configure version 3.4.21194 as the current version in Sync3 Updater.

What package did Syn3updater use to create the interrogator log?
Check the autoinstall.lst file in the root of the USB, paste its contents here please.

Sure, here it is, thanks:

; CyanLabs Syn3Updater Stable - Autoinstall Mode - Interrogator Log Utility

Item1 = TOOL - GB5T-14G386-AD_1606255780000.TAR.GZ
Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AD_1606255780000.TAR.GZ
Options = AutoInstall

Ok, so it’s the AD one, that seems ok.
There are 2 things I think you could try:
A) manually create one with the AC package (you would need to download the package and edit the autoinstall.lst file accordingly).
B) perform a master reset for Sync3, if there’s some residual data from the upgrade or other operation, that should clear it.

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Is my logic in the app still wrong? i thought for version 21194 it was AD we needed?

No, it’s ok. The tutorial says it should be AD for latest 3.4, but I remember there was a debate for AC… AB is not for 3.4 and newer APIMs, but I think AC is a grey area…

So he could try the AC one to see if it’s ok.

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He has an older APIM, 2017. There seems to be some incompatibility with the -AD with older hardware. My guess is the issue might be Pre-18.5 MY hardware. I have an older G model APIM for test, with 3.4 installed, -AD will not run on that unit properly. -AC works ok.

but i’ve ran AD on my16 apims without issue

So have others. Just saying mine didn’t work…

On right, weird

@jowiis550 , how did it go?

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