2017 Ford F250 XML file unable to read

I have a 2017 Ford F250 and i’m trying to update from Sync 2.0.16074 to the newest 3.4 version and I continue to get a message about being unable to read the XML file. Is there a fix for this?


Post your XML file

Sync_WVA5B2G2_1FT7W2BT1.xml (10.6 KB)

I shared my XML file. Let me know if you need anything else.

Not sure why Syn3 Updater is failing at reading this file, issue raised, i will investigate the code when i can.

Thank you! Does it seem like a simple error?

No idea until i dig in to it.

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Cool. I’ll try another USB drive as well to confirm it’s not an error on my end

/fs/images/ does not exist in your XML file which causes Syn3 Updater to fail out… why your XML file doesn’t contain /fs/images i do not know.

Hmmm interesting. I know nothing about this, so I’ll wait till you can come up with an idea.

Releasing a fixed Syn3 Updater now

So now do I just retry to load the XML file or do I redownload the updater?

Syn3 Updater now updated, restart Syn3 Updater to get the update

And my vehicle does have NAV I noticed yours said non-nav does that matter much?

basically it has no idea as it can’t read the size, so it’s just going “size = 0” 0 is less than minimum for nav, assuming non nav

But all NAV functions will be okay?

Yes if you specify nav in the settings it will be fine.

Perfect. Thank you for all the help. I’ll try this evening

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