These are the ares the EU maps will cover:
14G421- BA - F9 EU_Common
14G421- BB - EU_Map_ext
14G421- BC - EU_North_UK: DK (Denmark), SE (Sweden), NO (Norway), FI (Finland), IS (Iceland), UK (UK), IE (Ireland) , IM (Isle of Man).
14G421- BD - EU_Iberia: GI (Gibraltar), PT (Portugal), ES (Spain).
14G421- BE - EU_France: AD (Andorra), FR (France), MC (Monaco), CH (Switzerland).
14G421- BF - EU_Central: AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CZ (Czech Republic), DE (Germany), LU (Luxembourg), NL Netherlands, SK (Slovakia), PL (Poland), LI (Liechtenstein).
14G421- EN - EU_South: AL (Albania), BA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), HR (Croatia), MK (Macedonia), GR (Greece), HU (Hungary), IT Italy), MT (Malta), ME (Montenegro), SM (San Marino), RS (Serbia), SI (Slovenia), TR (Turkey), VA (Vatican).
14G421- BH - EU_East: BG (Bulgaria), BY (Belarus), EE (Estonia), LV (Latvia), LT (Lithuania), RO (Romania), RU (Russia) , UA (Ukraine), KZ (Kazakhstan), MD (Moldova).
14G421- BJ - EU_Cyprus: CY (Cyprus)
These can be installed with the Syn3 Updater. Read the documentation and download the application. Syn3 Updater - CyanLabs
You will most likely need the ones highlighted.
Please run the APIM Interrogator Tool and post the results here.
Tutorial: APIM Interrogator Utility - Ford / Guides & Info - CyanLabs Official Community