Black Screen after SYNC 3 update (assuming that was the cause)

2020 Ford Explorer ST, 32K miles, bought it used 6 days ago, connected it to Wi-Fi and initiated the update that SYNC requested, the screen went black, no audio of any kind, no voice recognition, no navigation.

Unsuccessful repair attempts: key cycle, soft reset, hard reset fuse pull, battery disconnects at 30 minutes-60 minutes-and overnight, Module resets through Forscan with As Built data on the APIM, IPMA, IPMB, and GWM. Existing error codes:

APIM U2100 “initial configuration not complete”
ABS U0238 “lost communication with image processing module B”
ABS U0102 “lost communication with transfer case control module”
DDM C1B15 “sensor supply voltage -B-”
DDM B1C14 “driver left/right mirror motor feedback”
DDMC1C14 “driver left/right motor feedback”
PCSM U0159 “lost communication with parking assist control module A”
IPMA U0253 “lost communication with accessory protocol interface module”
IPMA U0418 “invalid data received from brake system control module A”.

Errors when I try to run tests on a module, “Test Failed. The vehicle conditions are incorrect.”

Possible conflicting versions. When I initiate a new Forscan session, the log screen reports “[10:25:18:188] New version is available: 2.3.65. Current version: 2.3.64”, but when I restore As Built values, I get a popup warning for “SYNC version: SYNC 3”.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Unknown

Install Type: Unknown

Old SYNC Version: 2.3.64

New SYNC Version: 2.3.64

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Varying, but consistent, error messages appear upon startup that seem to be a result of lost communication between the modules. For example, Hill Control Start Unavailable, or Rear Detection Unavailable".

Update Method: Official Ford

Would appear your battery went dead when you were updating.

Thank you for replying! I can’t use the screen, so I’m reading a post titled “Updating Sync 3 APIM Firmware Using FORScan 2.4x Release”. Planning to try this as soon as the battery charger arrives. Am I on the right track?

this doesn’t sound like sync 3 and also updating the firmware via forscan is not the same as updating the sync os itself

When you do all the AB reloads that you did, which weren’t necessary BTW you need to clear the DTCs and more than likely you’ll need to re-calibrate the IPMA.

What mods were previously done to the car with ForScan?

I don’t know about previous mods, I bought it used a week ago. That’s why I was attempting the AB reloads, but it sounds like that’s a waste of time. I’m reading the replies as if my next step is to update the OS. Do you agree?

I don’t think you quiet understand how the APIM is setup.
Calibration/firmware shown in ForScan is the equivalent to the BIOS on a PC for lack of a better description.
Think of the AB config options as being BIOS settings
Sync3 is an app, with a GUI
The OS is Blackberry QNX Auto, in everything done with ForScan or a Sync3 update you never actually touch the OS.
The only bits that touch the OS side are the various mods etc put out by FMods.

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Agreed. I do not understand it. What do I do?

You need to fix the DTCs before you worry about the APIM, they can cause the APIM not to completely boot.
This sounds like the car was either heavily moded, flooded or a rebuild?

Thank you for the advice. If I can clear the DTC’s and reboot the APIM, is it time to attempt another SYNC upgrade by USB or would you do something else? Previous attempts have not worked, but I know the USB port is at least drawing power since the phone charges. I doubt the car was moded, because it’s all stock now, but it’s possible. It does have a clean Carfax so a flood or rebuild are unlikely.

The USB charging power doesn’t come from the APIM, there’s a separate 12v power connection on the USB media hub for this.
If an insurance claim wasn’t made or the car wasn’t salvaged CarFax will probably not show a flood/rebuild/major repair.

These reports mean nothing! It’s just a false sense of security. So many places and insurances don’t report damage. Many people pay out of pocket so their rates don’t go up.

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