So I’ve just bought an 2017 ST, looking to update sync. Problem is, interrogator tells me it’s a none nav, but it has nav… I’ve just updated from 2.2.16820 to 3.0.23219 officially with Ford without a hitch, but am wary of updating to 3.4 if cyanlabs is unsure of my sync version… I can upload the log if required, but wanted a more informed opinion on whether I should add nav. TIA
heres the log after ford update to 3.0, which is completely different to the 2.2 log Sync_NW4D00VG_WF05XXGCC5HB27443.xml (10.3 KB)
appreciate you looking mate
Just wanted to say thanks for your help the other night… Update to 3.4 worked flawlessly. Time will tell whether I have some of the smaller niggles I’ve read of people having, but the UI is much nicer, and the Navigation is much more up to date so don’t always need AA. Thanks again Syn3 and the top notch support on here
About why the interrogator said it was no NAV, even though I didn’t find the actual log I did find an upload from you where the APIM model could not be read and it’s shown as 0GB.
That’s of course wrong, but it happens that sometimes the APIM does not show all the values to the interrogator. And since the NAV APIMs are 32 GB or more, a 0GB APIM of course would be flagged as NON-NAV…
Anyways, that’s all in the past since you have successfully upgraded, but wanted to share that info nonetheless.