Downgrade 3.3 a 3.0

I have the original Ford update and maps for my car on a USB stick. I would like to know if connecting the USB stick will downgrade from 3.3 to 3.0 or if I need to modify something.

You can’t go back to 3.0.

Seriously, there is no way to return my sync3 to its original state, neither with cyanalab nor fdrs or ids?

Is this a shock to you? Even with all the warnings all over the place?.

If you have a memory dump from the previous state you could flash it with specialized hardware. Do you have any of those?.

I’m super frustrated and angry with myself for the bad decision to update something that worked fine on my 2018 Ford Edge, I don’t know what a memory dump is, I have the update that I downloaded from the Ford website before using cyanalab that I saw a video on YouTube and I did it without knowing the problems it would bring me, can you give me more details to see if I can find a solution

What issues do you have?. Have you considered buying an APIM that’s already running 3.0 and selling yours?.

I have incompatibility failures or I don’t know but it doesn’t flow, problem with the parking sensors and lights and on Sunday despite having all the modules updated and configured from the factory since I updated my sync3 it goes worse, the 3.4 flows fast but problems with the automatic brightness and the rear sensors, the 3.3 is somewhat closer to what the 3.0 was but the system is very slow and the tactile response is very bad, having a higher version or updated maps does not mean that it goes better than the original at least in Ford before 2020, and I do not plan to buy a new APIM or sell the one I have, someone will discover the method or invent it, I have hope, greetings

This contains the USB and I think there are a couple of versions or IVSU

  1. did you perform a master reset after the update?
  2. has anything else been changed with ForScan?

Yes, after updating I did a master reset, but nothing changed in the configuration and the as built with forscan has not changed anything, I only made a copy of the as built and files in case something happens or I need it at some point.

Next thing I would try would be to disconnect the battery cable for 30 minutes to force a full cold boot of all the modules in the car.
If that doesn’t do it then a downgrade using the updater to 3.4.21265 (this doesn’t require a reformat).
Is the car showing any DTCs? this could also be a case where something in the car just happened to fail and it has nothing to do with upgrading Sync3.