F13 EU Maps Released

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Mines the same says system updated still sat on f12 , so i can use navigation data remover to remove f12 maps then reinstall f13 maps is this the correct procedure .
Will removing old maps so there isnno nav cause any install issues with f13

What is ESN locked?

Electronic Serial Number locked.

Applies to the latest Ford vehicle maps which can only be purchased from Ford and not downloaded via Cyanlabs.

However normally you get 5 years of free maps from new from Ford to my knowledge. This may vary in different countries.

You can still download the latest maps via Cyanlabs for your 2018 model.

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Updated to F13 (EU) maps from the same version 3.4.23188 and F12 (EU) maps, using downgrade method.

Total approximate time 70 minutes.

Thank you for your work

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