Regarding port I saw few people faced that “ports not supported” something like that being experienced. But yeah, will probably get to know once I install. Thanks
About interrogator, I do have an xml that is generated from Ford update I did today from 3.0.20204 to 3.0.23219. It does show the APIM number. Is that what’s required? (I attached the screenshot to the original post)
That’s for the HUB, not the ports… the ports will keep functioning… If CP currently works for you, then you should be fine. Worst case, you replace the USB HUB.
Yep, share that one. Redact the VIN if you care about it.
That’s for the HUB, not the ports… the ports will keep functioning… If CP currently works for you, then you should be fine. Worst case, you replace the USB HUB.
Got it! Thanks
Yep, share that one. Redact the VIN if you care about it.
Awesome, that’s it.
As per our hardware database, that APIM JL7T-14G371-CCC is not MY20, so, you should be fine.
I’m using “should” instead of “will” because there’s always a chance the screen is MY20 (unlikely if it has not been serviced) or other stuff going wrong…
You should be fine based on what we know, but of course it’s up to you to proceed or not.
So, as a closing message, the answers to your questions:
Based on what we know, you should be fine, but proceed under your own responsability.
As far as I remember those issues where related to non-stock setups and on very specific models/markets. You can always try the latest build and go to a previous build should you desire to.
A 2018 vehicle should not need to have the USB HUB replaced, you should be fine.