Good day, my FordPass app is in a false deep sleep mode for about a month now since the new update to FordPass and my FordPass consequently not connecting to the vehicle. My vehicle battery is 13,9V. Nothing like disconnecting and re-connecting the vehicle battery, resetting Sync3 which includes removing the vehicle and adding it again) deleting the app and its cache and re-installing the app, deleting my FP account and re-creating it and even restarting my phone all do not solve the problem. And Ford also doesn’t know. Any solution?? Thank you
Are there any DTC’s (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) on the vehicle, especially concerning ABS or loss of satellite signal?
When you say deleted the Fordpass connection from Sync3 did you do a master reset or just revoke the connection/
Thank you Warlock and F150Chief,
There are no in vehicle error messages and satellite connection is good. The cellular network is 4G and my Sync3 is compatible with 4G. The FP app is communicating and the vehicle modem is communicating they just don’t talk to each other anymore!! Resetting was a Master Reset. There is no constant connection only a brief “burst”connection right after resetting FP in vehicle. This means that l always have to do a FP reset in vehicle to synchronize with the app and also to add my vehicle to FP in case l removed it. (For example my FP says my vehicle is on while it is off. To correct that l have to reset FP in vehicle) This connection is very brief and not constant as it should be. Could it be that someone forgot to pay a cellular bill?? I fall under Ford SA. If you could tell me which is the vehicle modem fuse l can check that for what it’s worth. Doesn’t make sense because the brief burst connection do establishes.
The example of vehicle showing on in FP while it is actually off is not a good example. Because the engine has to run to reset FP. Rather to correct odo, fuel level etc l have to reset FP every time. It is like Synchronize with the App on Demand. No ongoing connection
What year and model?
That looks like an MKZ/Fusion BCM?
Ford released an update to the app yesterday, Did that help?
This is normal that the data collection depends on the engine running. Functions like remote start will work, obviously, but the mileage, etc., depends on the engine running unless you specifically force a refresh in the FordPass app. Then the car will wake and refresh the data that is available without the engine running, like mileage.
On the APIM Sync screen, go to “About Sync” and see if the modem serial number is displayed. If it is then the modem and APIM can communicate.
Thank you for your interest and comments. My FordPass worked fine until about a month ago but then about the time the new FP app was rolled out the remote functions stopped working and the vehicle data displayed in the app is outdated. Refresh runs forever and eventually stops without anything refreshed. App shows vehicle is parked where it is not. Fuel level shows 100% but tank is half. Starting the engine does not update the data in the app. The only way for this to happen is to manually reset the FP connection. To use the description “wake” is that this manually induced “wake “ is brief and once off and not for as long as the engine is running. The APIM and the modem is communicating perhaps only for this moment? I am no expert just eager for FP to work again as it use to. I use the remote functionalities often when it was still working. My vehicle is a Ford Ranger FX4 technically a 2019 model but commercially a 2020 model. The original TCU was replaced by Ford about 1 year ago in order to fix the compass, satellite time and some other errors. I have the latest FordPass version but still no fix to the problems faced.
What version of Sync 3.4 is installed?
When the app is in this state, press the lock button and see if the app updates, it might take a bit since the vehicle status could be delayed, like up to a minute in some cases. If it does, then your vehicle connection is fine, and it is the Ford servers or cell connection/network that is the issue.
Also, has your vehicle ever given you a sleep notification? Measuring the battery voltage while running does not necessarily tell you the true condition of the battery. If you have the original battery it could be becoming weak over time and forcing the vehicle into sleep mode, in which case the TCU will shut down.
SSM51449 from Ford:
Some 2020-2023 Ford and Lincoln SYNC3 equipped vehicles may experience an inaccurate notification in the FordPass®/LincolnWay® app indicating Vehicle Has Entered Deep Sleep Mode. Vehicle Has Entered Deep Sleep Mode message is expected if the vehicle has not been started for 14 consecutive days, battery voltage is at/below 9.5 volts or the body control module (BCM) 12 volt battery state of charge (SoC) drops below 50%. If the vehicle is going into deep sleep outside these conditions, this may be due to the telematics control unit (TCU) software. To correct this condition, follow the Service Procedure to update the TCU to the latest software. For claiming, use causal part 14G229 and applicable labor operations in Section 10 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.
Thank you again. Your interest is appreciated. My FP app does not update when l lock/unlock the phone. l would not have known about the SSM51449 bulletin if it was not for cyanlabs. I can now go with this bulletin to Ford SA and my dealer and also same time mention the solution came from cyanlabs.
Is it not proper to rather acknowledge an error and that “we are we working on it” with regular updates instead of keeping quiet? To answer F150Chief my Sync3 details as per attached screenshot. I will now get back to Ford SA and my dealer with SSM51449 and keep the cyanlabs team posted! (l replaced my vehicle battery late 2024 so 13.9V makes sense)
The current build for Sync is 3.4.23188, if you go to and drop in your VIN it should offer you the update under Technology / Sync Updates.
Sad fact of life is the quite a few service writers and techs are “search impaired” when it comes to looking up TSB/SSM(s), they don’t dig into the customer complaint, if there’s not a DTC displayed in FDRS/IDS then nothing has “failed”.
Thank you Warlock, it seems Ford now (at least removed that function of entering your VIN to see if your Sync needs updating. But last time l checked while it was still available it said that my Sync3 is up to date and my technician also told me that my Sync3 has the latest software and just like Windows95 there will be no further updates for my Sync3. I have an appointment with the dealer for 3 April and l am going there with the service bulletin l came to know about on cyanlabs. (l want to share a funny incident and that could perhaps be a new category. The lighter side! My old TCU got replaced and went into Ford’s storeroom or somewhere and a new TCU installed. Then the storeroom TCU got commissioned with the cellular network! The reason why my new TCU did not work!)
It can happen to the best of us. Simple mistake with much larger impact.
As stated above, the current build for Sync is 3.4.23188. Ford still supports and manufactures Sync 3 worldwide. There will still be support updates for some time.
It’s there, just got to dig a bit
Thank you Warlock, it shows my Sync3 as updated. See attached. I did not search without logging in. The option recently disappeared from after logging in. In SA and Namibia (and perhaps other African countries also) users log into their Ford accounts using their mobile numbers and not email addresses. I am actually based in Windhoek, Namibia but we are serviced by Ford SA.
Hi again, as mentioned Ford gave me the date of 3 April for my TCU software update as per the service bulletin. I will let the cyanlabs team and community know the outcome. But how can it be that an update to FP now suddenly requires the TCU to also be updated? Another question that l am going to ask Ford is why is my vehicle showing as a 2019 model online but on FordPass as a 2021 model. It is truly a 2021 model as this is when l bought the vehicle new from the dealer. Had to wait one month for the vehicle to arrive from the plant in SA.
Good day, as promised an update. On 21 March 2025 my FordPass spontaneously started to talk to my vehicle again and the remote functionalities work even faster than before. I am trying to find out from Ford what got fixed their side but no response till date. I am also trying to find out why my vehicle year model differs for the same VIN between online and FP. Also no response till date. But since FP is working again l cancelled the 3 April visit to my dealer. Ford mechanics is good. But still has a long way to go on IOT. That’s why I appreciate sites like cyanlabs.