MVCI J2534 Driver that works for ForScan?

Hello guys, Can anybody recommend a MINI-VCI J2534 driver that works with ForScan?

My PC is running windows 11 64bit.
I use this cable regularly for techstream and uninstalled the driver used with techstream and have tried several other drivers with ForScan but still cant get ForScan to work with any of them.
The closest i have gotten to a connection with Forscan is by using the autokent driver that i use with techstream but still it fails to connect entirely as the configuration says:
Adapter: MVCI Autokent-X64 - 2.0.1
Min.delay: 21 ms ( Good)
Errors: None

I uploaded some screenshots for reference as to what im seeing.

Is not listed as supported by FORScan, but maybe possible to use in J2534 pass thru mode. This is a Toyota Techstream device, The question has been asked on the FORScan Forum with no answers.
Support of J2534 (Pass-Thru) adapters in FORScan v2.2.* - Page 15 - FORScan forum
I suspect it does not due to the lack of responses.

Right i looked over the same article already and see someone mentioned
“yes it is, but it doesn’t connect to MS-CAN network.”

I know it recognizes as you can see in the attached photos i got it to connect with it using the autokent driver just it fails with that error at end. When trying any other driver i have tried so far it doesn’t get any connection.
There is a driver that allows partial support for it, i just got to find it.

I do not recommend using a partially working adapter with FORScan, and neither does FORScan. The recommended adapters are the OBDLink and VLinker USB models for non-J2534 adapters.
Support Request (

In the pics above the adapter is recognized by the computer but not necessarily by FORScan, as it will not negotiate the vehicle connection. FORScan is showing the J2534 drivers, as it will any loaded drivers, but those drivers do not appear to work with the adapter. If the adapter will not support MS-CAN then you can’t use it for Ford vehicles. After reading the posts in that thread for the mini vci, I would say it is not worth the effort.

Have you tried this one from Bosch who makes the VCM’s for Ford… J2534 VCI Driver | Bosch Diagnostics

Im not trying to do any programming/flashing with it. Only read data, so there isn’t any risk to it.
There is alot of useful diagnostics that can be dine without the MS-CAN network.