MY 20+ MAP Update

MY 20+ Sync is already at 3.4.23188, updated over Wifi. However it is trying to download map updates and it takes forever. What settings Syn3 Updater I need to set so it doesn’t brick my APIM. I searched forums but can’t find clear answer. Thanks

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 3.4

New SYNC Version: 3.4.23188

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: Official Ford

Can’t get much clearer than this from the documentation → Settings Tab - CyanLabs

Keep MY20 protection enabled.

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Let it update over WiFi. I know it takes forever but with a 2020+ APIM it’s the only way you’re going to get the new maps without paying. You can check the Ford website to see if you can download them from Ford but lately the only way seems to be WiFi for maps on my cars.

Thanks that is what I will do. Even with MY20 protection enabled, it won’t let me select latest 23 maps. Only 20.

Thats because they are ESN Keyed so it requires a reformat which you cannot do with a 2020+ APIM. My 2020 Fusion took a few days to update to the new maps. The new maps actually were worse than the old maps, so it was not worth the wait. Speeds were wrong all over the place.

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Gotcha, that makes sense. It’s my 2020 Mustang GT that is downloading.

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Try going to the site to see if its available via USB.
Not sure about how many years of free updates came with the Mustang as Ford varied it by model (2020 Fusion got 5 years, 2020 Escape only got 3 years).
If its available via USB you can download it for the install, usually takes around 75 minutes to install.

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