UPDATE: Everything has been migrated except the forum, if you notice any issues please let us know. The forum will be migrated either later today or in the coming days!

The forum will be put in read-only mode while a backup is taken and the server is transferred, the backup will then be restored and read-only mode disabled!

Over the coming days CyanLabs will be moving to a new server to better serve the needs and requirements of running CyanLabs, I’m not a professional so it won’t be the cleanest migration but I’ll do my best to minimize downtime by moving 1 “service” at a time :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for your continued support! :heart: If you experience any “weirdness” that lasts longer than a short while please let me know!

Can i suggest that if anyone has any issues that they clear their own cache and cookies before panicking

Good shout :slight_smile: this! thanks

Thank you. I hope the move goes ahead without any problems. Fingers crossed for you.

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