Sync 3 CGEA 1.3 Can logs

Hi all,

First post but have got a lot of useful information from here.

I am trying to get climate repeater to work on Sync 3 with CGEA 1.2 Architecture.

I need can logs from ICAN / HS3 CAN on SYNC 3 that have working climate repeater.

I can activate the repeater if I set to the climate strategy to C1CMA but no amount of fuzzing can bring up the repeater when climate strategy is set to CGEA.

The plan is to pick up the temp and fan change command which is on 0x355 & 0x35C and resend the command to the repeater.

Any help would be appreciated and I am happy to share any results.

If you search on here you’ll find a few threads where doing a Sync3 upgrade/mod in a CGEA 1.2 vehicle required setting things up for C1CMA.