I did an upgrade on my Explorer from Sync 2 to Sync 3…APIM was pre-programmed by seller with the as-built based on my vehicle year,make,mOdel and VIN. Everything is fine except the parking camera lines. I recall in the sync 2 it had curving lines (associate with steering position) and an overhead vehicle outline with indication of which sensors were activated when close to an object…plus I recall yellow/red indications as your got close, then too close on backing. Is there an asbuilt settinmg somewhere that activates these functions, or was that a sync 2 APIM feature? Thanks for all you guys do.
They usually come back after a day of driving. If not, we can look at a few things for the APIM programming.
Did the upgrade a year ago…no lines…that’s what made me think APIM setting…
Do you have FORScan? or UCDS?
Please post your APIM asbuilt.
Probably the parking assist feature settings…
I have I’ve seen an option on the settings on my car to toggle them, do you have that?
Under Settings, Driver Assist.
That setting just turns off the beeps, like if I’m hitching a trailer…
Chief…post the whole asbuilt or just a specific module? And is that a save option from forscan? Or do I just post the .ab file?
Do you have a “Camera Settings” under Settings > Vehicle? Then select Enhanced Park Aids on and off…
I do have that setting…toggled on and off…no change. The toggle indicator does show the vehicle outline as the example of what it is…
1FM5K8D88GGB74829_APIM_20220330_213322.abt (401 Bytes)
1FM5K8D88GGB74829_PAM_20220330_213416.abt (145 Bytes)
APIM and PAM as built files uploaded…
That’s good. The APIM is talking with the PAM and BCM properly then. I’ll take a look at the files…
Here is a revised asbuilt for the APIM. I did not see anything wrong with the PAM or APIM asbuilts specifically for the guidelines. I did make changes at 7D0G3G1010000020000 and 7D0G4G1010001000B00 to match the data to your vehicle for Bluetooth and themes for Sync 3.4. You can implement the changes if you wish.
Maybe @bill32399 might have something to say about the guideline issue with an Explorer, since he is quite conversant with these.
1FM5K8D88GGB74829_APIM_NEW.abt (401 Bytes)
I believe you have to change the settings in the PAM to Sync 3. The 2016 comes with Sync 2 so you have done a retrofit which is fine.
@Jimlat , try this…
736-03-01 xxxx xxx* xx
Accessory Protocol Interface Module (APIM)
0=SYNC 2
8=SYNC 3
Is that in the APIM or PAM? 736-03-01 is in PAM, format xxxx xxxx xx, values are 0600 4290 19….should change to 4298?