@F150Chief i installed the new APIM asbuilt…Bluetooth connection seems snappier…and I was able to change the splash screen to Explorer which was a bonus…thanks…still working on the PAM…
Made the changes in the PAM…no change…do I need to do a master reset after these forscan edits, or is a power cycle sufficient? Might it just take a bit of driving for this to initiate?
Master reset never hurts. Even though there is no change this still would have needed to be done. The other module that will affect the Dynamic Lines is the PSCM. This is where it keeps track of the steering angles. I really think it’s a setting in the APIM thought but it would not hurt to look at the Asbuilt setting for the PSCM. Also I thought you could turn Dynamic Lines off and on in the Camera settings on the APIM.
730-01-03: **xx-xx
00=Not Present
@bill32399 Just got in from trying your suggestion…it gave me a fault in the select track system…and traction control was disabled…which then went away when I reset the value…
Just really seems a mystery…I did a direct swap of sync 2 to sync 3, only having to add the new GPS antenna, and a pre-formatted APIM based on VIN…can’t figure this one out…
Power cycle.
Thanks @F150Chief…I really appreciate your help and all you do in this site and forum…I’ll give it a few days and update you on any changes.
And thanks to everyone else who jumps in to help out with ideas, suggestions and tips…it is truly appreciated!!!
Sorry that did not work. I get the same error on my explorer but mine never had it. So that is good to know for my own info. I think F150Chief is right. Try driving it around a bit to see if they come back.
I have something for you to try for getting the dynamic lines working on the rear camera. This is for 2016 thru 2020 Explorers which are CGEA 1.3, as yours. It seems the adjustment must be made in the BCM since you upgraded from Sync 2 to Sync 3 for the rear camera functionality other than video.
The setting at 726-39-02 xxxx x*xx xxxx is for the rear camera ‘slave’ operation. You now have a Sync 3 APIM which means your camera is not a slave RVC. Your camera should be driven by the APIM now. 2011 thru 2015 vehicles with a 4.2" display had an FCDIM instead which is when the slave RVC setting would apply. Also, CGEA 1.2 vehicles use this setting with Sync 2.
Follow this:
- Connect FORScan and go to the BCM (Body Control Module) Asbuilt Configuration.
- Save the BCM configuration asbuilt before you make any changes. Always do this immediately when you enter any module as a habit.
- Locate 726-39-02.
- Looking at your factory asbuilt file, attached here, your setting for this line is:
726-39-02 0000 0101 006A
Change the line to:
726-39-02 0000 0001 0069 (If the checksum of 69 is incorrect, let FORScan recalculate it.) - Write the change to the BCM.
NOTE: The BCM is going to reset and cause all sorts of mayhem. This is normal, don’t worry about it. - Once the commotion is finished, save the new BCM configuration, and exit the BCM (Body Control Module) Asbuilt Configuration.
- Scan the vehicle for DTC’s, there will be a few most likely. Clear all the DTC’s.
- Go to the Tools tab (wrench) in FORScan and run the BCM Local Interconnect Network New Module procedure. Follow the instructions.
- Once this is done, you might need to drive the vehicle a bit for the system to start working, but it might work as soon as you put it in reverse with the vehicle running.
Let me know if this works for you. Here is your factory asbuilt file. Keep in a safe place.
1FM5K8D88GGB74829.ab (20.8 KB)
This is good info for you…
BCM’s are different on the CGEA 1.2 & 1.3 Explorers. Don’t think these would work on my 2015. The data comes from the PSCM or there is an add in module that connects to the SCCM to get the steering angles. Not sure how they determine which one they use. The info is there as Forscan shows it I just cant figure out why it will not work in the APIM.
Yes they are, and I suspect the asbuilt data alignment is not the same in the two. I think on a CGEA 1.2 vehicle, the APIM is talking to the wrong module, or address.
I agree. The 16-19 ones have the Ambient lighting, PAM, IA and parking sensor info in the BCM. The window control and lock wires are removed as the door modules control this. Asbuilt info is hard to find for both of these BCM’s.
The F150 BCM Asbuilt is not even close to any of the other BCM’s out there.
Thanks for the info…completed the steps, and no immediate lines…I’ll drive it a bit to see if it wakes up.
Thanks again for continuing to research the issue…it’s greatly appreciated.
In the off chance that this does not work, should I reset the BCM to it’s original values, or is there no harm in leaving it as is?
No harm in leaving it. I’m going to look at something today…
EDIT: I confirmed this is the proper setting for your vehicle based on the asbuilt. Did the BCM Local Interconnect Network New Module procedure run and complete?
It did complete…asked to turn off, waited, asked to turn on…short process…
Just checked again…no lines or vehicle outline
Does the rear camera show the red, yellow, green gridlines when you are in reverse gear with the engine running? Does it show the black dotted centerline?
So you also do not have the vehicle icon in the top right corner?
It looks like the PDC HMI is showing on the screen. (Parking Distance Control) However, the vehicle overhead is not showing nor are the Dynamic Lines. I compared your Sync 2 and 3 asbuilts and found nothing except the following that could affect this.
This may require a Master Reset…
Try this for the Dynamic Lines:
7D0-01-01 xxxx xxx* xx–
Change the value from ‘0’ to “2”.
This changes the Steering Wheel Angle Sensor from relative to absolute. This is how it is on other Explorers and F-150’s with the same BCM and PAM setup.
I have checked the PAM, PSCM, BCM settings and cannot find anything that stands out.
I’ll give that a shot…probably not until Monday due to work schedule…
Still nothing…it’s a real mystery…