2016 Fusion Energi 4g TCU update won't activate

If you have not, take a look at this thread:
TCU HJ5T Asbuilt Discussion - Ford / AsBuilt Configuration - CyanLabs Official Community

I think you probably have Sync 3 in your Fusion, not Sync 2 as outlined in your TCU asbuilt. Try this asbuilt…note: 62 and 32 are the same coding values, this is a duplicate coding in the asbuilt data.

Once you do that, check these settings:
APIM, Sync 3 :
Instruct the APIM there is a TCU.
7D0-02-02 xxxx *xxx xxxx, from 8 to 9.

APIM, Sync 2:
Instruct the APIM there is a TCU.
7D0-02-02 xxxx *xxx xxxx, from 0 to 1.

Once you change the asbuilts, reset the TCU thru FORScan and Master Reset the APIM.
Then follow this using FORScan…follow the instructions exactly as written.
FordPass Connect TCU Authorization Thru FORScan TCU-H.pdf (790.5 KB)

Let us know if this works for you.