2018 Flex SEL Upgrade from 2.3.17109 to most current BLACK SCREEN

Unfortunately, nothing happened when I tried a lower version

This is all I got left.

TSB Number:SSM 50039

Some 2016-2021 ford or lincoln vehicles equipped with sync 3 or sync 4 may exhibit a blank screen or other various sync symptoms only when the vehicle is in transport mode. This is considered normal due to the power saving features enabled

It might be stuck in Reformat mode, with just the screen blank, who knows…but try this. Use the reformat.lst file attached.

Reformat Boot Screen Recovery.pdf (113.8 KB)
reformat.lst (44 Bytes)

Followed the steps exactly. Been sitting now for almost 30min with no change. The blinky activity led on the USB isn’t even blinking.

I dont think it’s working.

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Sorry for the late response.

I’ve read the thread entirely, and this really looks like a MY20 screen issue.

Is it possible for you to remove the unit and gain access to the stickers on it?.

There’s really only one way of confirming if a screen is MY20 or not, and it’s by looking at the sticker.

Let me look on how to do that, and ill get back to you.
What if it is a MY20? Am I really screwed? Will I have to purchase a new unit?

Short answer would be yes, you would need a new unit.

Another option would be to temporarily install a not-MY20 screen to complete the process, then putting back the MY20 screen once the unit is back operational.

Ok. I have the APIM and screen removed. How can I tell if its a MY20?
The screen has manufacturing date of 9-19-17. The APIM has manufacture dates of 1-8-18 and 12-17.
The Panasonic Auto manufacture date on the back of the APIM says 12-17

Do you see any sticker?, something like this:

But to be honest, the manufacture date being that old, does not point to MY20…

If you can take pictures, it would be best as well.

pictures of the labels on the screen or the APIM?

Well… That is not a MY20 screen
Your APIM is J series so I think it’s MY18, and the screen is older since it’s G series.

I do not really what else to say, since these do not seem to be MY20 components.

Only think I could think of is some kind of HW fault, but it’s a long shot really.

By the say, is the unit still recognized via Forscan?.

If you: didn’t have a particular theme nor have a MY20 component, I’m a bit lost as to why the screen si now black since it should had worked without issues.

Lets see what the others has to say.

Yes. FORScan can still access it. Ill put the unit back in the car tomorrow, as its dark outside now.

@L0rdG1gabyt3 ,
Since the reformat exercise did not work, I am in agreement with the hardware fault, but is it the screen or APIM? The screen shows backlight, but that doesn’t mean it’s totally ok. The asbuilt looked ok, and reloading the factory asbuilt did not correct the issue. It looks as if the USB ports are inactive due to the state of the APIM. The APIM and screen look original to the vehicle, even though the screen has an older part date, they didn’t change the screens until MY18.5 or so for the later series. (Essentially the same screen.) The MY20 screens came later. I think that suggestions throughout the thread would have normally fixed the issue, but if the APIM is not well, there is not much you can do.

All that being said, I would say there is a good chance the APIM is the culprit here. The unit probably had an existing memory hardware fault and the reformat could have accentuated that issue. The fault would probably never have manifested without the reformat, but it is impossible to tell. This is not common, but I’ve seen this before. Just my guess based on the information through the thread. Unfortunately, I think it might be a candidate for replacement.

Ugh! It figures something like this would happen to me.
I shopped for this Flex for almost a year. Just got it about a month ago!

Ill be hooking the unit back up tomorrow evening. It will be almost 24hrs without power. Maybe that will make it behave?! If not, ill look for a replacement unit. I think the electrical part of the factory warranty has probably expired.

That was quick…
Unless you have an extended warranty that would include the APIM, you are probably out of luck. Being the unit was not powered for 24 hours, there is a very slight chance it would power up and work. If it did, I would be suspect about it.
There are plenty of used and new APIM units on eBay and the like. Be very careful about purchasing APIM’s marked as made in China or shipping from China. There is a big market for cheap replacement APIM’s, and unfortunately there are people that will happily take your money for a “remanufactured” item with Sync 3.4 installed with NA maps, etc. Just walk away…

Be aware that there are 2 versions of screens, flat and recessed mount. You have a -SC screen which is recessed mount. If the screen is good, you can just use it with the new APIM up to a K series APIM (2019). You will want to look for APIM units starting with J or K for the part number. (Yours is a J series, 2018). Do not purchase an L (2020) or G (2016). H is ok, but an older version.

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I get the feeling the APIM is the issue, but if so, would Forscan still be able to recognize it?. This case is quite exceptional.

If you get a new unit you will be able to determine what’s really happened by just interchanging the screens.

And for what is worth, you can always try selling whatever is left as parts to minimize the losses.

In rare occasions the calibration can get corrupt, is forscan showing that there is a a callibration on the unit? or is it showing random corrupts characters?

is this showing version numbers like this or is it a bunch of random characters?

I will put the unit back in the car, and get back to you.

FORScan Software Version 2.4.x Information - FORScan - Docs - CyanLabs Official Community

I found 2.4.5. Installed it over the other install. It carried my license over with it. The only problem Im having now is that it wont connect to my bluetooth OBD…

UPDATE: I got it connected… It gave an error that it may be too slow… Let’s see what happens.