Automatic Update downloading old packages

I successfully used the downgrade method to “update” my 2019 Ford Edge to 3.4.22200 and 2.21 maps. Wahoo! I faithfully did a master reset after the update and all seemed to be working fine. But then I noticed that when “Automatic Update” was turned on, the car started to download a package. On searching for it, I see that it’s part of the 21194 build. Why is this happening? Did I miss something?

You missed turning off Automatic Updates, let it complete and see where you end up.

Are you saying that after any of these manual updates, Automatic Updates should be turned off? I’ve always left it on and not seen an issue. I guess time will tell. These OTA updates take days to finish sometimes.

If you’re using ‘unofficial’ means to update then Ford wont know about it and will try to push the ‘official’ required version so if using cyanlabs turn off Auto update

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You didn’t miss anything, this is an OTA feature for Sync updates. It can be an issue with updating past the released version for your vehicle.

The latest release of Sync 3.4 to the public is version 21194. If you have automatic updates enabled, the OTA function will force the version on your vehicle to the released version for your VIN. Turn off automatic updates if you wish to load the latest Sync version, not yet released to the public.

Now, there are exceptions to this:

  1. If you upgraded from Sync 3.0 to Sync 3.4 via reformat, or by replacing the APIM, this does not apply as the later Sync version is not authorized or supported by Ford for your vehicle or VIN. OTA will not work in this scenario.
  2. If you upgraded from Sync 2 to Sync 3, this does not apply as Sync 3 is not authorized or supported by Ford for your vehicle or VIN. OTA will not work in this scenario.
  3. If your vehicle was originally equipped with Sync 3.2 or 3.3, you may or may not be affected by OTA trying to revert the Sync version, depending on the vehicle model and region.

Also note, trying to upload the Interrogator XML to Ford If you have upgraded from Sync 2 or reformatted from Sync 3.0 will likely fail. The Sync version will never be updated on Ford servers or systems for your vehicle.

I really appreciate the detail with which you respond. I understand now. My thinking was: there is an package on the OTA server; the server checks to see what’s on the vehicle; if vehicle build >= server build then no update. But I think it goes like vehicle build <> server build then server build gets downloaded IF OTA is available. I reflashed the latest Syn3 package and turned off Automatic Update.

See ya’all in the next iteration! :slight_smile:

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