Black Screen suddenly

Hello members:

I have 2018 Ford Explorer with black screen. AIPM is stock, never modified. Black screen came suddenly while driving. I have been read here some documentations about this problem, it is my first time with this kind of problem and first time using ForScan, so, I don’t have much experience dealing with this. I found this procedure for Black screen problem:

I want ask you if the procedure above is the correct to try to fix this problem or it there is something more that can be done.

My module is:
Part number: JR3T-14G371-BED
Calibration level: JR3T-14G371-BJG

Thanks very much for your help

SYNC Region: Rest Of World

Navigation Variant: No

Install Type: Stock (Original Unit)

Old SYNC Version: 3.4000

New SYNC Version: 3.4000

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: Official Ford

Syn3 Updater Version:

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read:

Syn3 Updater Log File

Based on the fact you say the APIM is not modified, this sounds like a hardware issue. The screen failure is not uncommon. The procedure listed above is for the firmware flashing, it will not solve the issue.

Hi Chief, thanks for your comments, so, chage screen is your advice ?
Regards, Daniel

That is where I would start. Get a screen like on Ebay (make sure you can return it) and replace the unit. Be aware that There are 2 different types of 8" screens, recessed and non-recessed. This is for the mount, they are the same otherwise. You can use the existing mounts.

The screen you need is GB5T-18B955-SC. Should be about just over $200 for a good used one.

Have you performed a soft reset.

Select Radio.
Hold the Power button (center of the volume knob) + the Right-Seek button at the same time for approximately five seconds.
The display will indicate when the module is resetting. You may then release the buttons.

I know you can’t perform a Master Reset, but have you disconnected the battery for 5 minutes and then reconnect?

In FORScan there is a reset procedure also, but I think it is really just the soft reset.

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HI, yes I did master reset and reset with ForScan. I will go to Ebay, Thanks a lot.

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