Bricked Apim

Hi , I bricked my APIM and am looking for some help. Is there somewhere I can download the necessary files, I did download my profile before I messed up but I can’t find it anywhere on my laptop

SYNC Region: EU

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: Retrofit

Old SYNC Version: 2

New SYNC Version: 3

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
“Programming was successful but something went wrong, unit appears to be bricked”

Update Method: CyanLabs Manual Method

Do you think perhaps it’s worth you teling us what you did? or should we just guess what you did and make up a solution?

Sarcasm aside, Describe in detail what you have done to get to this point, without this no one is going to either be able to to help you or perhaps even want to help you.

Hi Scott ,
Apologies for the shoddy explanation, I connected to the car with vlinker and forscan , downloaded files , ran test sbl and then program, I ticked ignore checksum and stop activity on buses, it ran through and said although successful your unit may be bricked , now screen stays black and usb ports not powered ,car originally had sync 2 which I swapped for sync 3 about 2.5 years ago , sync was on latest update from Cyanlabs .
Is there a way to reinstall? I tried the ford motorcraft service but it doesn’t give me apim as built?
Thank you either way for replying,

So you updated the firmware / strategy? you likely have a incompatible firmware/strategy

Try following this APIM Firmware Flash Rescue

Hi Scott, thanks for replying so promptly, I will attempt your solution this morning as soon as I get a chance, does it matter that I am in Europe and the guide says for US cars or can I just match the firmware and Nav and unit details ?
Thanks again,

I’m not sure (but it does specify which file is for what), you won’t do any more harm by flashing the wrong firmware though, i did the same years ago, eventually got it recovered by flashing the correct firmware.

Hi Again,

Just so I understand fully , I will have to download these files through Forscan while connected as I can’t find them anywhere else online ?

I don’t personally use Forscan so i am unsure how this works currently, I’ve always used UCDS which is not easily obtainable as it requires a specific device, so in short, i don’t know.

@F150Chief may be able to offer more assistance regarding Forscan but he is NA based so will not be on for a while

Okay, thanks Scott, I’ll give it a go this morning following the guide and see if I can match the files to what’s in my saved folder on laptop

All good , got it recovered ,lesson learned, leave it alone, just for anyone else that might have same issue the guide says not to use a file and get a different one from forscan

(NOTE: The GB5T-14G374-AF.VBF from Ford is broken, bad addresses. Use the file from FORScan support.

Uploading strategy file GB5T-14G374-CB may brick the module. Solution is to upload GB5T-14G374-CD instead of GB5T-14G374-CB.,)

I couldn’t get this and went ahead with the CB file and it worked , thanks again to all you guys and the great work you all do!!

I see you read the instructions…thank you.

APIM Firmware Flash Rescue - Ford / Information - CyanLabs Official Community

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