Download Connection 8 or 1

When setting up the Syn3 Updater there is a option for Download Connections that was set to 1. All the video I have seen were of them set to 8 Download Connections. What is the purpose of the Download Connection and is there a difference between using 8 and 1?

SYNC Region: North America & Canada

Navigation Variant: Yes

Install Type: Stock (Original Unit)

Old SYNC Version: 3.0.20204

New SYNC Version: 3.4.22110

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version:

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: No

Syn3 Updater Log File

Not found the update was not yet complete at the time of posting.

Basically just allows the files to download from Ford’s servers faster. Usually single connection downloads are speed limited to some degree but multiple connections can utilize more of your bandwidth. This is basically how most download managers work going WAAAAY back to the old dialup days.

That said, some people have had issues with downloads failing at higher connection counts. Feel free to try it with the 8. If it has issues downloading files, try dialing that number back.

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I do not remember which value is the default right now, but having a single connection is more stable than having multiple connections.

We had some issues some time ago with some connections handling 8 download threads at the same time.

So unless you have a really bad transfer cap per connection, a single connection is what I would recommend.

Oh, and 8 was the default in Syn3Updater at the beginning, so many of the videos you saw had that value because they didn’t change it to a different value.

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Very helpful info, I’m going to set it to 1.

As per the documentation

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