EU maps replaced by US maps

Your VIN is a NA vehicle, and you used the US Ford Nav upgrade site to obtain the upgrade, which is for NA maps. There is no upgrade path for EU maps for your vehicle from Ford. This worked the way it should have, as designed.

This kind of worked for you, but should NOT have worked at all with the imported Mach1 from NA. You now have both sets of maps and voice on the unit, although fragmented, with an EU license for maps. In short, it’s amazing that the NAV works.

So how is this possible? It’s simple. Looking at the log file you can see that the APIM storage size is 64GB and the Engineering part number is 1U5T-14G371-EE (probably model 4U5T-14G371-xxx). Also, the country code is 455A which is the CZECH REPUBLIC. So, we know for sure this is not the original equipment in the vehicle but is a replacement for the import. This is not done by Ford, but probably by the importer.

You should change the country code to Spain. (5350)

The above said, this looks like it is a MY18.5+ APIM and can probably be reformatted to fix the issue you have now. If at all possible, you will need to look at the sticker on the APIM unit itself to be sure, since the Interrogator file did not populate the info properly. You could try the -AC version of the Interrogator file to see if the info will populate.

You can reference this tutorial for the instructions for the reformat if you choose to do so, just the Installation Instructions section. Normally, this would be the method you would have to follow to install EU maps on this vehicle, but since the APIM was swapped with a 64GB model, you have the available storage space to install a complete EU maps installation.
Tutorial: Current EU Maps Installation on US Imported Vehicles - Ford / Guides & Info - CyanLabs Official Community