Ford Ka 2019 - Updated from 3.0 to 3.4 without Gracenotes

OK. Will 5U5T-14G391-CN enable SPM itself when selecting the “Spanish” language in General Settings? Or how do I enable it?

Also, in this tutorial, you mention this: “The application voice files will be replaced temporarily with the NA (North American) version application voice files”. If I’m correct, that’s the CN package, right? But in the tutorial, the package ends with “CM”, not “CM”. Which one should I get?

My USB currently has the Interrogation Tool on it. Is it OK to use the “autoinstall.lst” and “DONTINDX.msa” that are already there? For doing the voice install. Should I remove GB5T-14G386-AD_1606255780000.TAR from the SyncMyRide folder?

Also, stupid question, but how do I “reboot” the APIM? I assume it means to turn off the engine, open a door, wait till screen goes black, close the door, and turn on the engine again.