Ford Sync 3 Upgrade - Download Haulted

In the process of downloading the software, I’m getting the error message: “Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.” I’ve tried 3 different internet connections, including a mobile hot spot, and still get the message. I can’t seem to find a thread that has this issue yet. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Hi, there are 2 other threads reporting this issue, can you please try the CI build

Running the CI build now - I’ll let you know how we progress. Thank you.

Still getting an error message and download stoppage, although a slightly different one now -

You get 8% in before the issue, can you share your exact options i’ll try the same

I’m having the same issue. I’ll follow this thread.

I went back and tried the RELEASE build just now, and got a different error message:

Other than the USB flash Drive, my settings are identical.

If you unselect the Gracenotes package and try do you get the same error, trying to determine if it’s that specific package.

This is the RELEASE build - I’ll try the CI build again with the GraceNotes removed -

Same thing for me. I removed the GraceNotes package as well.

And attempting the CI build with GraceNotes removed -

Same thing it fails to validate over and over

Please try the release branch again, it should download 2.4.0 it seems this is something that was changed between 2.4.0 and 2.4.1

It appears we are cooking now - Thanks again for your help! I’ll let you know after the download is completed.

Maybe not there just yet - let me know what else I may need to try -

I have restarted my computer system and started the download process over again. It appears to be further than we just were. I’ll let you know how hit goes.

I have pushed a new CI Build please test it out