Gracenote version no. missing

Open the autoinstall.lst file in notepad.
Copy this:

Item1 = 4U5T-14G423-AB_1598633764000.TAR.GZ
Open1 = SyncMyRide\4U5T-14G423-AB_1598633764000.TAR.GZ
Options = Autoinstall

Paste into notepad.
Save file as autoinstall.lst.
Place file in root of usb drive as in the above picture you posted.

Or use this file, just copy to the root of the usb replacing the other one.

autoinstall.lst (137 Bytes)

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This is what I meant … edition …
I feel like a dumbass, a big dumb …
Thank you for your patience, best regards and THANK YOU :pray:

No problem. Hope it works for you. Enjoy.

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Gracenote loaded :+1: everything works beautifully. Thanks again :call_me_hand: You are the Best :muscle: