Installation in progress some featutes will continue to be disabled untill this process is complete

It’s rumoured that new EU maps will be dropping shortly, at least you only have to bother once a year.

It depends if they are ESN locked or not.
If they are not locked, you can just autoinstall them because the process replaces them, no need to delete your current one (as long as it’s the same package/region).
If they are locked, you will have to reformat the unit for installing them.

About the free space the unit currently has: take into account that maps packages are usually big, and every type of package needs free space to be finally placed and free space while being processed.

So there will be one point during the process that, for a package being updated there will be max space usage:

  • space used by the package being replaced (until it’s deleted once the upgrade is completed)
  • space used for processing the new package
  • space used by the new package

7gb of free space may seem a lot, but for map packages processing it is not that much. Can you try installing another package for another region?, yes… But keep in mind that may push the unit low on storage for future upgrades…

Since you have the ability to delete navigation data easily, you can recover from this.
But it’s something you must keep in mind for future upgrades.

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