I just purchased a second hand Ford Focus and when I use the Ford UK sync update page using the VIN number, it has a lower version listed than what I currently have installed. The Ford website say I have 3.018025 but the car says 3.4. the current build installed is Build 21265_PRODUCT , I would like to update. The Sat Nav software also is not there, but there is only a compass area of the dashboard. I assume that the previous owner tried to update using cyanlabs and ran into troubles. Can you point me to a tutorial to attempt to correct this? I admit I haven’t read anything yet on the site but willing to. I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. How can I confirm that I should have navigation or not? Suspect installation was incomplete.
SYNC Region: EU
Navigation Variant: Non Nav
Manufacturer Year: Unknown
Install Type: OEM
Old SYNC Version: 3.0.18025
New SYNC Version: 3.4
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
No navigation software but compass icon in sync home screen changes with the car movement, so assume navigation is available. Not sure how it was updated so assume Cyanlabs Manual Method.
Update Method: CyanLabs Manual Method