I am hoping someone can help me with an issue I am having trying to run the interrogator utility on my 2016 Lincoln MKX. I bought the car used so thought it would be best to be safe. I am using a 32 GB Kingston USB, and have tried creating it with both the install pathway and through the utilities section. After starting the car and letting the system initialize, I insert the USB. “Updating system software” pops up and it just remains stuck there. I have waited for 20 minutes with no changes, and no xml file on the USB. Attemping to upgrade to 3.3.19052. I would appreciate your advice.
SYNC Region: NA
Navigation Variant: Nav
Manufacturer Year: Unknown
Install Type: Unknown
Old SYNC Version: 1.0.15139
New SYNC Version: 3.3.19052
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater
Syn3 Updater Version:
Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes
Syn3 Updater Log File
No update file