The last week every time my car starts up it seems to do a master reset. Bluetooth/wifi/sound settings go back to default, but strangely my clock stays 24 hour. I tried doing a reformat install just to see if it would help, even though the settings are probably stored on a different partition. I get a PKG_ERR04 every time I try the forced reformat option with several different USB drives. Included interrogator log as well in case something is off with my APIM
SYNC Region: NA
Navigation Variant: Nav
Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20
Install Type: OEM
Old SYNC Version: 3.4.22251
New SYNC Version: 3.4.22251
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater
Syn3 Updater Version:
Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes
Syn3 Updater Log File
Sync_VV5DP6MA_WF0DP3TH4H4124693.xml (11.0 KB)