I tried to update my sync3 for 3.o to 3.4 I put the stick in then it told me to restart it and it came up blank I can use the volume key to reboot it because I put in a tesla 14.4 inch screen and it took away that option to reset it so I was told to hold the volume key with the right seek button on my steering wheel that didn’t work either I have taken the negative batteries off that didn’t work will it help if I go into forscan and reboot the module there i don’t know what else to do thanks
SYNC Region: NA
Navigation Variant: Nav
Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20
Install Type: OEM
Old SYNC Version: 3.0
New SYNC Version: 3.4
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Nope it’s just a black screen
Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater
Syn3 Updater Version: 2.0
Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes
Syn3 Updater Log File
I don't have them sorry I'm on my cellphone and I don't know how to get them to here