New here, Black screened my unit and need some guidance

I have a 2018 F150 XL. 4" Screen No Nav. Updated from 2.32 to newest 3.4 and it went fine except I have a 4" screen and the display was cut off. Found out that the updater doesnt support 4" from another thread. Wish that would be specified in the updater itself. I then made a downgrade USB and ran that, same story it installed fine but still the display was cut off. I searched more and found someone else had ad this issue and was linked to install NU5T-14G381-BA manually, so I downloaded it and the autoinstall file. Everything started fine to install so I stepped out of the truck to work on some sticker removal. I checked back in about 5 minutes and found a dead screen. I left the truck running for a few more minutes but still nothing, so turned it off and assume an incomplete install.

I then searched some more and found reference to NU5T-14G381-BB and believe that is what I should have installed. Log file on the USB shows the install of the downgrade only.

Clearly I did something wrong with the manual install of BA. Not sure exactly what, I would be appreciative if I could be informed so that I wont make these mistakes again.

And what steps should I take to remedy the black screen? Hoping its possible. I will try disconnecting the battery tomorrow morning as its night here now. I do not have my APIM info right now but will get that in the morning as well if necessary.

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Non Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 2.3.23254

New SYNC Version: 3.4.23188

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Black screen only

Update Method: CyanLabs Manual Method

I just tried a soft reset and it did reset, went dark and the Ford Logo came back up again and the radio works but is stuck on NPR lol. The backup camera does work. Read another thread where it ended up fixing itself for the poster. Maybe that will be the case? I can hope lol.

Installing an 8’’ version on a 4’’ screen would not result in a black screen…
So there’s something else at play…

Do you have forscan and an adapter?.

Long story short, not at this time.
Long story: I inadvertently purchased a chinese knockoff adapter that looked like a decent ELM327…just came in today and first thing I see is that it directs you to download the software from rather than which I had pulled up at the time. I went ahead and tried it anyway but forscan on windows 11 wouldnt recognize it, and I then read that they no longer recommend ELM327 adapters…
The OBDLink EX will be here Saturday.

My initial research led me to want to change the profile with forscan when it first was the cropped screen…

The screen didn’t go black until I tried manually installing NU5T-14G381-BA after downgrading. I replaced the tar file in Syncmyride folder and put the linked autoinstall file on the drive as well.then I read it should not have autoinstall, would that cause this?

This is not irrelevant, in fact I think I just hit a language barrier…

What’s the current status of the screen? Is it cropped or blank?.

It is blank. When I initially installed 3.4 it was cropped. Sorry if I made it confusing.

Interestingly enough after turning the truck off & on 3-4 times the screen came back! I am pleased but very curious as to why.

Also, and I may need to make a new post regarding this if I cannot find an answer - my Sync says it is 3.4 but I don’t see any changes from 2.17. I do have the shitty 4.2" non-nav non-touch screen so that may be the issue…I plan to upgrade to a bigger touch screen anyway so not the end of the world but I was hoping for something that at least looked a little cooler.

One thing could be that there was an incompatible ASBUILT that got sorted out. This is why I asked if you had an adapter and forscan, so we could take a look at some ASBUILT values…

Have you master reset?. Can you share a picture?.

Create and run an interrogator log against the unit.
Also, if you can share your APIM’s asbuilt seen through forscan it would help…

I did run a master reset and no change. I will have the quality adapter tomorrow afternoon, the one I currently have is going back to amazon since its a chinese knockoff and scammy clone website…

I have some pics I will upload shortly.

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