Hi I am using the manual method to attempt to install sync 3.4 on my ford escape 2019. When installing using the manual method I received the code below and a red screen. I do not know what to do now.
SYNC Region: North America & Canada
Navigation Variant: No
Install Type: Stock (Original Unit)
Old SYNC Version: 3.0.18093
New SYNC Version: 3.0.18093
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Error in Ist: 5U5T-146381-EZ_1652218180000.TAR.G not foun
So from what I can gather, you want to upgrade to Sync 3.4 from Sync 3.0.18093 on a 2019 Escape. I am surprised the 2019 Escape has Sync 3.0 installed from the factory, since it should be a minimum of Sync 3.3. Nonetheless, this is straight forward.
NOTE: If you have had the APIM replaced in this vehicle under warranty do NOT proceed with this as you may brick the APIM.
One of the things to watch for using a Mac is the file extension naming. Mac OS will change the file extension on the .LST files to .LST.TXT. This will mess up everything. Looking at the error message, it appears that the file listing in the reformat file is not correct.
OK, so to review:
You are upgrading from Sync 3.0 to 3.4? You must make sure this is correct or the reformat tool will not work.
This is a 2019 Ford Escape, and you are in the US?
The APIM does NOT have NAV?
The files you are using are in the pic above to upgrade to Sync 3.4.22200:
I would stay at Sync 3.4.21265, as this is the most stable version of the recent updates and the latest has several issues. Files needed:
In either case, you need the reformat tool:
To upgrade from Sync 3.0 to Sync 3.4.21265, download these 2 files and place them in the root of the USB as shown in your pic above. DO NOT EDIT these files. reformat.lst (128 Bytes) autoinstall.lst (160 Bytes)
Download the following files and place them in the SyncMyRide folder on the USB:
Once this is finished place the USB in the vehicle USB port in the dash or console below the dash. The reformat tool will run to reformat the eMMC and then start installing the files. This will only takes about 10 minutes if that. Remove the USB when told to do so when the green screen appears.
Once the APIM reboots, perform a Master Reset. This is not optional. Once the APIM reboots, you can add you phones, etc.
Correct - I am in the reformat screen (one with rotating cars and status bar at bottom). I have everything in EX Fat - MBR; I have the files as stated above with proper ones downloaded only. I am just not sure where I am going wrong. If you want I can post screenshots of how the file is setup. Maybe there is something off with it.
Have you tried another USB? The file structure looks fine.
You could try to remove the autoinstall.lst file from the USB and try with just the reformat.lst file and the two files in the SyncMyRide folder since the unit seems to be stuck in the reformat mode.