Round knob volume display

hello glad to be on here.well i tried to save some money and bought a sync 3 to upgrade from my sync 2 it kept freezin up and so they worked on it remotely once still didnt fix it so i thought i would update it with your updater it seems to be working fine so far the only thing i noticed was that the volume at first was clear with a blue display and number in the middle (volume level) now its a solid circle .to back up a little after the ebay seller did some remote adjustments it looked like a downgrade ,it was showing a circle with a rectange block in front of it so i used forescan and got the horizontal block removed just have the solid circle now even after the upgrade.also that noticed the music display was no longer centered it displays to the far left now .any help appreciated

SYNC Region: North America & Canada

Navigation Variant: Yes

Old SYNC Version: 3.419205

New SYNC Version: 3.4.22020

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
no error messages

Update Method: CyanLabs Manual Method

Syn3 Updater Version:

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read:

Syn3 Updater Log File

Could you post a pic of the issue?
Since you have FORScan, can you also post the APIM asbuilt?

I wanted to post a picture but not sure how to post a picture and if im hooked up to forescan what exactly do you want a picture of ,appreciate it

Picture of this…drag the picture to the edit field here and it will attach.

The pic of the audio volume display and the radio display look normal. The layout of the audio controls has changed over the past 2 years with different Sync 3.4 versions, So I suspect the seller made changes to the Sync versions.

Do your steering wheel controls work for audio?

I noticed that you have set the country code to 5753, which forces the tuner to the EU frequency steps. With the newer 3.4 versions, this is not really necessary for using NAV in motion. You should try setting the region back to 5553 and use the NAV to see if it’s ok for you. Ford made changes that help in the NAV.

Is this like what you are looking for? This is the Lincoln theme…the colors can be changed somewhat with the preferences settings.

Did you need any more assistance for this issue?

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