Sync 3.4

I updated to sync3.4about 7months ago now my Bluetooth is messed up my phone won’t stay connected until I plug it into thumb port and when I’m playing music on it through Bluetooth I don’t have a left speaker but it works fine on the radio I have tried to reprogram it with now luck I have also did a master reset to no avail show I go down to like v3.3and they that thanks

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 3.0

New SYNC Version: 3.4

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version: The newest one

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes

Syn3 Updater Log File

It didn't save it 

What build of Sync 3.4 are you running?
Have you tried a master reset on the APIM?
Have you deleted the BlueTooth pairing on both the phone and Sync and then created a new pairing?

Yes ive tried both things

Since based on your post the APIM was originally 3.0 native I would downgrade from 3.4.23188 to 3.4.21265.

Thanks i will try that

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