
Hi F150 i have reformatted the APIM back to 3.2 17237 and loaded 3.2 calibrations on the APIM. Hopefully this will work i will report back by end of the week.


Hi F150 just an update being on 3.2 seems to have solved the issue no spinning. I have just updated up to 3.4 and tried an aftermarket aerial soon as i updated the map spinning has reoccurred on both gps aerials.

There must be something with a 2015 Falcon and CGEA 1.3 hardware/software. Sync 3.3 supports CGEA 1.2 so it still works. I’ll see if there is any information about this…

Thanks for the update.

So weird that a lower version would fix the spinning issue. @F150Chief could it be a Firmware thing?

I think it is a reduction of support for C1CMA/CGEA 1.2 in Sync 3.4. This is mentioned by DanMc85 on his website, but it only affects specific vehicles and I thought it was tied to the newer APIM models.

Are all 3 units upgraded to Sync 3.4 and spinning? What are the part numbers for the units?


I have part numbers for the APIMS

1st in the falcon JR3T-14G371-DFB

2nd spare unit - HJ5T-14G370-KDB

3rd - Territory HJ5T-13G371-DCA

I think the issue is the difference in electrical architecture for the vehicle vs. Sync. You could go thru your asbuilt and set any CGEA 1.3 setting to CGEA 1.2. I read this works on the C-Max vehicles with Sync 3.4.

Is this still happening when you install Sync 3.4, or is it all the time?

With these 2 issues present, It might be worth following this test procedure to see if it uncovers anything…

GPS Hardware Test: The Compass/Navigation is Inoperative or Does Not Operate Correctly. (No GPS) - Ford / Guides - CyanLabs Official Community


Hi Mate thank you the information it’s a great read through. Unfortunately no matter what sync version you are on this error still keeps coming up.


Hi F150 i have given up and decided to buy a new genuine gps aerial. Even on 3.2 it’s spinning but not as bad when on 3.4 . Looking at PTS i believe U0121 is causing the error which there is nothing that can be done about that due to canbus commands missing.

I agree with your finding. From what I have read this would be a factor…


Just an update i have installed the new genuine gps aerial. Still getting the same map spinning. Just curious what does the internal gyro do ?

Try plugging in an OBD scanner and check for errors on the vehicle

This issue must first be resolved:

I guessed this was deeper than was apparent

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