I Have a Sync 3. Sadly it shows no Version or Buildnumber, i cant update or anithyng. The USB connection works just fine (Tried with a bunch of music-sticks)
Does anybody have a solution to Bring the Version and Buildnumber back?
Thans alot.
Greetings from Switzerland
SYNC Region: EU
Navigation Variant: Nav
Manufacturer Year: MY20
Install Type: OEM
Old SYNC Version: 3.4.1234
New SYNC Version: 3.4.123
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
No Error Message at all
The inerrogater Log does not work, i tried it too to figure out, witch version is Installed, but dosent show me the :“startung softwareupdate” dialog in the top bar. And also is no xml-file generated
I Changed the Unit. This is the old one, so i made a testbench, to learn something about it, and configer it with forsecan and see what happens. Just fore couriossity… A picture will come tomorrw.
I also build a GWM, TCU and a ACM with a bunch of Speakers in the Bench. So i have Connection throu Forscan.
To Start the Canbus i have a CAN injection tool, that sends the “Start, engine running, shiftet gear(park) and rpm” message to the Can bus
I tried the Master-reset already but diddent work.
I hope i could explain it right, my english isent the best
Everytime i’ve had no build number and it can’t be fixed by master reset the unit has been faulty, are you able to run anything on this? reformat? etc?
No sadly not, when i plug the usb stick with the updates, , reformat or irrogator log nothing happens ( it generaits also no log file) but music works on the stick.
Also the stick is corectly formatet (exfat) and has 32gb of space
Well, if a master reset and/or module reset from Forscan does not change things, I’m also pointing towards a faulty unit. Why did you replace it in the first place?.
Also, have you verified that the USB you are using is not GPT but MBR?
Try running the rwdata tool on it then reboot the unit 2 times and see if the situation changes. This will ensure you have memory space and clear old logging files.