TCU Retrofit no controls in Ford Pass

I’ve added a TCU to a 2013 Fusion Hybrid and gotten all the asbuilt set correctly as far as I can tell. However there is no remote start, lock, or unlock in Ford Pass. I believe at this point that this is an issue with my APIM, due to it being a g-series, but wanted to find out if anyone else has any other suggestions.
I’ve attached screenshots of my asbuilt and firmware for both the APIM and the TCU along with what Ford Pass looks like. Forgot to get a picture of about in sync but it does show the TCU ESN. I’ve gone through setting the TCU to factory mode and back watched it go through the steps but every time I add it to Ford Pass this is what I see.

First you’re getting miles so that means it’s talking, that said you have changes that need to be made to the AB and the APIM.
What model was the TCU that you added?
And just so that you’re aware, the 2013MY was a one off year for the Fusion, 2014MY+ things standardized on the logic matching the Mondeo so not everything quite matches. (Check for that)

The TCU has part number HL3T-14G229-AP on it. I know the 2013 is different but I’ve seen 2013 energi models fit a new TCU for 4g so I figured it should work with a hybrid 2013 as well.

Where did you source the AB for the TCU?
Its not going to be the same as an Energis, that was a 3G TCU.

Copied it from brass09dad’s TCU upgrade in a 2013 energi from the fordfusionenergiforum. Only thing I changed was the the first line I have B3 instead of B8 since mine isn’t a plug in hybrid. This is his original picture picture that ended up working for him.

I’ve found something that might be something to do with using telematics on 2013’s. Energis have a different BCM calibration than any other 2013 fusion and they have extra lines, 89-92. All energis are on DG9T-14C184-DE.
I’m tempted to try flashing my BCM to the same firmware as an energi to see if it makes a difference. My only concern is if it bricks how recoverable is it.

Well for one the power train type is wrong.
754-01-01 should be B332 on a Hybrid.
Your 754-03s monitoring points are also going to be wrong because of the differences in the car, you don’t have a charging port etc.
You REALLY don’t want to flash a Hybrid based on an Energi, a lot of the FordPass info comes from the PCM not the BCM
In all truth your best bet is to start with the donor AB dropped into the unit with the power train type changed to B332. The only thing you’re going to get out of that series TCU is remote start and SES alerts.

The only thing your telling me to change on is the 62 to a 32 which are supposed to be the same from what I saw someone say, but the h series TCU asbuilt database shows 62 for cgea 1.3
I already had it set to a 3 for hybrid instead of an 8 for PHEV as I stated when I posted the asbuilt from the energi.

They are not the same, I have a 2018 Fusion Platinum Hybrid and had a 2014 SE Hybrid that I did this with along with a Sync3 conversion.
Look for the AB from a 2017-2018 Fusion Hybrid Platinum, you can get it from the Ford Asbuilt site using the VIN.
These came with H series TCUs which were 4G rather than the 3G unit that was in the Energis.

Look at your config vs a Fusion Hybrid that came with a TCU using AsBuilt Explorer.

Just pulled an asbuilt for a 2018 hybrid platinum. I’ll try that out tonight then. Hopefully someone can update the asbuilt database with information regarding what the difference is between the 62 and 32 bits since it doesn’t list the 32 at all on h series right now.

If you read F150 Chiefs TCU upgrade mode guide…
When you first start to add the donor TCU…
754-01-01 B133 (assuming NA region, and don’t worry about the power train type).
ForScan shows factory mode in the table, then shows unprovisioned.
754-01-01 B132 should change to waiting for authorization
Connect with FordPass. should say authorized.
754-01-01 B332 (sets the powertrain as Hybrid)

Where did you get the AB file for the APIM from?
Your best source to start with for that is going to be one from a 2017 SE Hybrid.
Also what calibration level is the TCU at? You need this at a minimum of -*M

Original programming for the apim was done by danmc85 four years ag. I did look at a few things that didn’t seem right and changed them but can’t remember what. Recently I changed the bit for a TCU being present.

The TCU is on um firmware. I did read the guide but due the the database for h series showing 62 as cgea 1.3 and them using j and k tcus for the f150 retrofits originally I figured it was for those part numbers specifically and that I should follow the h series as built information here instead.

Either way got off work late so I won’t be trying tonight. I’ll hopefully get to try with the platinum as built tomorrow morning.

So the H series in a Fusion was limited to the 2017/2018 Platinum and some 2018 Ti(s), hence the reason the setting isn’t in the db which is more F150 focused. The Energi owners for all years got screwed with the original 2013 3G units (hence the CSP program only using H which didn’t require HS4).
Dan’s work is pretty solid for the most part what did you set the TCU APIM value as?
It should be 7D0-02-02: xxxx-9xxx-xxxx

I’ve done both 9 and 1 same result either way. This is while using B332 having cycled through 00, 33, to 32 to get there and having removed from Fordpass and master reset the apim each time as well. This was with the asbuilt from a 2018 platinum hybrid for the TCU.

It was the same result every time as the original post. Not sure what else might be the problem since this can work on 2013s as seen with the energi. There has to be something else I’m missing.

Once again, the Energi is not the same animal as a Hybrid.
And the 2013 is a on off year for the Fusion.
Does this car have factory remote start or a true Ford remote start kit installed in it?

I understand they are different, but comparing asbuilt data between my car and any energi from the same year no extra modules except the tcu are shown and calibrations are mostly the same. GWM and BCM are different. This is why I believe that if the energi can use a TCU properly there is no reason any other 2013 fusion shouldn’t be able to.

I don’t have factory or the ford kit remote start. I do have remote start enabled in the BCM and IPC. The electrical diagrams for the 2013 show remote start signal sent by the PCM so I don’t believe I would need a remote start kit. If I end up needing one not a big deal, but if the controls won’t show up in Fordpass the kit won’t mean much to me.

That’s going to be your problem, you just can’t enable remote start in the BCM and IPC and get the function.

It requires changes in a lot more modules than that, hence the reason Ford’s solution for adding remote start to a car without it from the factory is/was a kit add unlike GM where it was a simple logic flip and new fobs. (even the wiring T harness for a 2013 is different from the 2014-2020 Fusions). Remote start integrates with PATS, hence the reason why the maximum number of fobs for a car with IAK/remote start is 4 while one with key start is 8.

The Energi compared to the Hybrid has a different BECM, tranny (adds an electric oil pump), PCM as well as an Aux heat module and remote start was a standard feature for these as well as the Ti tail lamps.

Even if this ends up being a hopeless endeavor I haven’t given up. I’ve reflashed my IPC to the same calibration as the energi had and now display miles to empty along with fuel level.
Vehicle health still seems fine although I might deflate a tire some to make sure it registers the low psi.
GWM won’t except the energi calibration bricks and I have to revert back. BCM has so many files to figure out what I need, but I’m willing to keep trying on that as well. If I can get lock and unlock working I’ll be that much closer to remote start as well where I’ll get the module if needed.

You won’t get a TPMS warning on an H series since the purpose was to give owners an OTA remote start capability to compete with other manufacturers.

My 2018 came from the factory with an H and I had to go to a J to get TPMS warnings/display.

I’ve flashed the BCM with 2013 energi firmware and now lock, unlock, and remote start all work. No controls in Fordpass yet but I’ve seen people say it took a few days for controls to show up so I’m hoping they will, but I’m using the apple shortcuts app for the features for now.

Only thing I’ve seen not working right is the interior lights don’t shut off on ignition and start pulsing I have to turn them off completely. They do shut off with the car still. Strange thing about that is that as far as I understand lighting is controlled over LIN which is the same calibration on mine originally and with the energi firmware. I will admit this is somewhat concerning.

Took it on a drive and nothing else wasn’t working. High volt battery charged normally, ev mode worked, and battery assist worked.

One thing I’ve thought about as another option, if I find more issues, would be updating the BCM to one from a 2014 fusion hybrid since the TCU works on those normally. Just need to figure out if it would read and communicate with the rest of the system alright still.