Update 20136 to 20351 with cut down map

What is your SYNC Region? EU

What is your current SYNC Version? 3.4 20136

Do you have Navigation? Yes 32gb

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Please paste your log output or provide the URL to your log file below

Please describe in detail your issue below

Now I’ve put my UK F9 cut down navigation map on is it OK to update from 3.4.20136 to 3.4.20351 do I just choose keep existing map or am I best redoing it all at same time, update and cut down navigation map again

There’s no need to redo everything.
You can just update everything but maps.
As you me mentioned, just be sure to config the app correctly (current version), then select the new one selecting to keep current maps.

Also make sure the installation method is autodetect, so that the app would select autoinstall.

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