Updating Sync3

2017 MKZ Black screen at startup. After 10 minutes I have a screen but it lags. After a few more minutes it seems to work fairly well. Thought an update would help but after inserting stick it says System Updating but then a window comes up and says Installation paused - The USB storage device has been changed or removed. Installation will resume when the device is re-inserted.

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Non Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 2.2.16280

New SYNC Version: 3.0.23219

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
Installation paused The USB storage device has been changed or removed. Installation will resume when the device is re-inserted.

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version:

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes

Syn3 Updater Log File

Branch: Stable
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (2009)

Version: 2.2.16280
Region: NA
Navigation: False
Install Mode: Auto-Detect (reformat)
Install Mode Overridden: False
My20 Protection Enabled: Auto-Detect

Mode: Drive
Model: SanDisk Cruzer Glide USB Device
Size: 57.3GB
FileSystem: exFAT
Partition Type: MBR


; CyanLabs Syn3Updater Stable - reformat  Mode - Sync 3.4.20196 NA

Item1 = RWDataCleaner TOOL - PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ
Open1 = SyncMyRide\PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ
Item2 = REFORMAT TOOL  - 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz
Open2 = SyncMyRide\1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz
Options = AutoInstall

1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz (8.5MB)
PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ (3.2KB)
5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ (848.6MB)
4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz (724.2MB)
5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ (385.4MB)

[10/19/2024 7:41:41 AM] Selected Region: NA - Release: Sync 3.4.20196 - Map Version: Non Nav APIM 
[10/19/2024 7:41:42 AM] Install Mode: Auto-Detect (reformat) Forced: False 
[10/19/2024 7:41:42 AM] MY20 Protection: Auto-Detect 
[10/19/2024 7:41:42 AM] Formatting USB drive
[10/19/2024 7:41:42 AM] Re-creating partition table as MBR and formatting as ExFat on selected USB drive
[10/19/2024 7:42:20 AM] Checking Existing File: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:42:25 AM] Validated: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz (Skipping Download) 
[10/19/2024 7:42:26 AM] Checking Existing File: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:42:26 AM] Validated: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ (Skipping Download) 
[10/19/2024 7:42:26 AM] Checking Existing File: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:42:26 AM] Downloading: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ
[10/19/2024 7:44:00 AM] Validating: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:44:09 AM] Downloaded: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:44:09 AM] Checking Existing File: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:45:26 AM] Validated: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz (Skipping Download) 
[10/19/2024 7:45:26 AM] Checking Existing File: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:45:26 AM] Downloading: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ
[10/19/2024 7:46:05 AM] Validating: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:09 AM] Downloaded: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:09 AM] Preparing USB drive
[10/19/2024 7:46:09 AM] Checking Existing File: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:46:09 AM] Copying: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Validating: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Copied: 1u5t-14g386-cb.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Checking Existing File: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Copying: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Validating: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Copied: PU5T-14G386-BB_1690840002000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Checking Existing File: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:46:11 AM] Copying: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:48:02 AM] Validating: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:48:37 AM] Copied: 5U5T-14G381-EG_1598634070000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:48:37 AM] Checking Existing File: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:48:37 AM] Copying: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:49:50 AM] Validating: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:50:21 AM] Copied: 4U5T-14G423-CA_123766.tar.gz 
[10/19/2024 7:50:21 AM] Checking Existing File: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:50:21 AM] Copying: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:51:54 AM] Validating: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:52:10 AM] Copied: 5U5T-14G391-CM_1598635923000.TAR.GZ 
[10/19/2024 7:52:10 AM] Generating reformat.lst
[10/19/2024 7:52:10 AM] Generating autoinstall.lst

USB error like that usually means one of three things.

  1. cheap USB drive, they overheat internally due to the reads
  2. Bad USB port, try the other one, if you still get the error odds are its the module
  3. something plugged into the other USB port, there shouldn’t be anything not even a phone charging cable.

Very rarely its a bad APIM, the above are much more likely.

Either something is plugged into one of the other USB ports or the sync unit may not be operating properly. Run the Interrogator Tool in the Syn3Updater and pst the results.

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Based on this behavior, I would say the APIM is unhealthy.
You should consider replacing it, even if the upgrade succeeds it may “hide” the issue for a while, or kill it…

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Thanks for all the suggestions but still no luck. Still get the error that the usb stick has been removed. Was wondering if I could use an APIM from the salvage yard. Does it need to be prior to 2020? Mine is non-navigation. Can I use a nav APIM or does it have to be a non-nav? Once installed will I be able to update it? Any help will be much appreciated!

APIMS are agnostic.
You just need to load in the Asbuilt for your car into the replacement unit.
If you buy a NAV, after dropping your Asbuilt into the unit with ForScan its a simple bit flip to re-enable the NAV.

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