Hello, all dear users. I have a question about updating the software and maps between the normal Sync3 and between the MY20. Is the my20 protection option to be enabled when running a pendrive? Could someone explain this so as not to seal your hardware? Sorry, my English is not very perfect.
From what I have read in Basic Usage, is there a better chance for a separate installation of software and maps?
Firstly I suggest you read all the documentation on the Cyanlabs site, checking out the demo video, and yes, you should enable the MY20 protection.
You should be able to download the software and maps at the same time.
Just ensure that you do not remove the pendrive in the car early if messaged to do so and allow the system to reboot and complete the upload and do a master reset when it is finished.
Long story short, the physical components on a MY2020+ are different and using Cyanlabs to do a reformat so that both the Sync Update and unlicensed maps can be installed basically results in something like a hard drive in a PC getting the boot sector corrupted.