Confirmation of Sync 3 APIM

Hi guys,

Maybe a expert here can help me with sync 3 and maybe can confirm that the new sync 3 APIM is a legit one.
My stock APIM was:HM5T- 14G370 - GNG
The new one: KR3T-14G370-CLB

SYNC Region: EU

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 2.2

New SYNC Version: 3.4

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version: 2.12.2

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes

Syn3 Updater Log File


The model number means nothing as that can be spoofed. Post a pick of the front and back of the APIM.

Okay will try can only post one media cuz im new.

Can you post a close up picture of the APIM’s sticker?

Looks like a Legit K series APIM to me. Good APIM honestly.

Okay thank you for the help. Just wanted to make sure cuz on my old APIM when i change the temperature it would show me in sync but since the new APIM it won’t show and i was skeptical. Asbuilt was all correct.

That is more than likely an AsBuilt setting. If you use Forscan you can transfer over the old AB settings to the new one and it should work again.

Curious why your replacing it?

Yeah i used everything from motorcraftservice but in the end still didn’t work and don’t know why but everything else worked fine. I have changed it because i wanted to update the firmware did something wrong and it wen’t blackscreen and forscan didn’t recognize my old APIM, still have the old one at home though.

Some asbuilt is different between 3.0 and 3.2+ likely your old APIM was on 3.0 or below and uses different asbuilt to the 3.2+ one.

Could be possible yes. Maybe that explains why even my navigation has “no gps” symbol. I even changed the gps antenna with oem new one and still has problems.

Can you post you APIM asbuilt, please?

Yes can do.

For the black screen, as long as the unit is not MY20+…
APIM Firmware Flash Rescue - Ford / Information - CyanLabs Official Community

You could try this also…
Sync Black Screen Recovery.pdf (108.9 KB)

2017 Focus RS
My stock APIM was:HM5T-14G370-GNG
The new one: KR3T-14G370-CLB

Both should work without issue, however, the KR3T-14G370-CLB is a US version APIM which has only 32GB of storage, so you will not be able to install full EU maps.

Thank you i will test it then. For storage that’s interesting. Because the new one has 64gb of storage and EU maps installed without issue.

Could you run the Interrogator Utility on it and post the results here, please…the rear tag identifies this as a 32GB APIM. Also, the model number vs assembly number year codes do not match.

Where did you get the asbuilt above? Is this the original for your vehicle?

EDIT: This APIM is from a 2019 Ford Mustang with the 4" screen. The asbuilt for this unit will not work for you, you will need your original asbuilt for your vehicle. The APIM will work, but unless it was modified you cannot put EU maps on the unit. Hence why I need to look at the Interrogator Log.

Did you send it back already? You should…

Yes that is the original asBuilt for my VIN. It worked flawless until GPS issues and was skeptical. Need to search my computer if i have still the file from Interrogator utility. I’ve bought the new APIM from ebay he told me it was rebuild. Cuz of the gps issues i have send it back, it still has warranty.

So at this point you have no working APIM for the vehicle? What is the status?