Your vehicle does not have HS4-CAN capability. The APIM can use HS4 but it must be turned on in the asbuilt. To use HS4 in a Fusion, you will need to upgrade the GWM, wire the HS4 network, and then get the FORScan folks to give you a build with HS4 enabled for a 2016 Fusion…
Downgrade the TCU to the latest J series firmware and use HS3-CAN. This will work fine as Fusion is CGEA 1.3 with HS3 and has the appropriate GWM.
Also, you will need to update your FORScan software to a minimum of v2.4.3.
FORScan Software Version 2.4.x Releases and Information - Ford / Information - CyanLabs Official Community
And you should check if the modem and FordPass are supported in your region…