Getting Flank Guard and the little car on the right while backing up to display on a sync 3 retrofit

I have a 2016 Ford Fusion Energi (NA model) without Active Park Assist (so it only had the 4 backup sensors) that I’ve retrofitted sync3, added the front parking sensor harness and sensors and replaced the backup camera with one from a 2017 Fusion.

I can hear the proper tones for the front and back backup sensors but I don’t have the little car on the right that shows up when you’re in reverse, nor flank guard even after loading an as built for the APIM from a 2017 Fusion with similar options to mine.

In addition I would like to get the little green/yellow/red squares that show up depending how close you are to an object to display between the dynamic guidelines, I understand that pre 2017 the camera itself generated that but 2017+ sync 3 generates that.

I also tried messing around with the PAM as built to see if I can enable those features but the pre 2017 PAM as built isn’t well documented online and none of the settings I messed with even wrote to the PAM.

Given the topic on 2gfusions about “PAM Forced Firmware Upgrade” I suspect that I need to flash a 2017-2018 PAM firmware onto my PAM in order to get all those features.

However, the files that are in the post are for a with Active Park Assist BCM, which mine isn’t of course.

Would anyone know what “F10A” ECU Cal-Config Part Number and the “F188” Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number file names are for a non Active Park Assist 2017-2018 NA (I think that makes a difference?) Ford Fusion PAM?

Or should those features work without a PAM firmware flash?


Yes, you need to flash a 2017-2018 PAM firmware onto the PAM in order to get all those features. Once you do that then you can enable the flank guard and other features.

Since you wired the sensors, etc., this would now be a PAM with APA once you program the firmware, etc. So, use the firmware that DanMc85 specifies in his thread.

@F150Chief as always thanks for the quick response!!

Unfortunately the firmware in his post is for an Active Park Assist BCM, which have more flash than a non APA BCM :frowning:

so flashing a APA firmware to a non APA BCM fails, I and a couple of other people on that thread tried.

You mean the BCM without a PAM?

Per @Louage 's discovery, both the BCM with and without a PAM are the same ,but the one without the PAM just has the PAM disabled in software and it can be enabled.

it’s just the one with Auto Park Assist that has more flash from what I gather

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I believe Flank Guard requires additional sensors as well as the front and back sensors. You have now 8 sensors and I believe it requires 10, as there are two rear side sensors. And 2 more front side sensors for APA. I am pretty sure you need the 12 sensors for all this to work.

Since you can hear the tones for both the front and rear sensors, so you should be able to get the visual car indicator on the APIM screen. I have not worked with this system very much, other than some minor adjustments, so I would defer to @Louage for clarification.

No, the PAM generates this data in all cases. The data is interpreted by the APIM and displayed. However, the cameras do generate the active guidelines.

Send me you VIN in a message, not in this thread, and I can see if the PAM information is available for the asbuilt data.

I believe Flank Guard requires additional sensors as well as the front and back sensors. You have now 8 sensors and I believe it requires 10, as there are two rear side sensors. And 2 more front side sensors for APA. I am pretty sure you need the 12 sensors for all this to work.

According to the 2gFusions post and the As Built DB there’s a 10 sensor APA (6 in front and 4 in rear which is how many sensors I actually have, but the non APA PAM only has the ability to address 8 total sensors apparently)

but since I can’t load an APA PAM firmware onto my BCM and I have no desire to swap BCMs I guess I will also not have flank guard, oh well!

Honestly I just want the car indicator! Loange sent me his as built but that didn’t work, probably to be expected since he doesn’t have a camera in his car.

PM sent, thank you again!

I see. I’ll take a look at some data tomorrow…

My wife’s Nautilus has Flank Guard and all the other goodies and sometimes it is quite annoying, as it can’t be cancelled.

The rear camera (RVC) must be enabled for the APIM. The vehicle icon is referred to as the PDC HMI, which is the Parking Distance Indicator. PDC HMI must be enabled at 7D0-01-01 x*xx xxxx xxxx. Set this value to ‘A’.

According to the factory asbuilt, your PAM is GG9T-15K866-BB.
Also according to the factory asbuilt, most features are turned off, including APA. It is set for 8 sensors.

Factory Asbuilt:
736-01-01 1840 0000 97
736-02-01 0460 0000 A4
736-03-01 0000 0000 41
736-04-01 0801 0000 4B
736-05-01 0000 2101 65

Part Numbers and Firmware:

The rear camera (RVC) must be enabled for the APIM. The vehicle icon is referred to as the PDC HMI, which is the Parking Distance Indicator. PDC HMI must be enabled at 7D0-01-01 x*xx xxxx xxxx. Set this value to ‘A’.

Yep, value was originally set since the donor car is a 2017 and still nothing :frowning:

and totally hear you on FG,drove a rental Edge once with it and I was kinda annoyed by the end! I just wanted to see how many features I can enable on my car :joy:

If I send you a VIN for a 2017 Fusion with only rear parking sensors would you be able to pull the firmware names for it?

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Thanks to the GOAT @F150Chief I was able to get my hands on the firmware for a 2017 non APA PAM but unfortunately it doesn’t flash :frowning:

At this point unless anyone else can think of something I missed, I’m ready to say that the only way to get these features in a Sync 3 retrofit is to also swap in a 2012-2015(?) APA BCM and flash it per the instructions on 2gFusions

which while would also allow APA, would also mean either borrowing a high end code scanner and hoping key programming works(in my experience they don’t work well for modern cars) or asking a locksmith to make a very expensive house call since the PATS keys are programmed into the BCM

(although it would be nice to get my hands on better as built documentation for the 2012-2016 APA and non APA Fusion PAM, the one on the current as built db only corresponds to the 2017+ firmware level)

There are 2 databases for the PAM used in 2012 thru 2020 Ford/Lincoln vehicles:
2012-1016 DG9T, GG9T
2015-2020 FU5T
There is another version of PAM used for the C!CMA vehicles, which does not apply here. Other PAM modules exist but are either standalone modules that are hard coded (no asbuilt data) or are duplicates of the above with different model numbers.

If the firmware upgrades did not work on the GG9T module, then it might be the model has differences from the DG9T that are not apparent in the asbuilt, as the asbuilt data is identical. There is no difference listed by Ford that I could find, other than the firmware numbers, which is to be expected.

Other than APA, the rest of the sensors and displays should be working.


Just catching up on this! I’ll talk through my experience of adding sensors to my vehicle:

So my Mondeo came with absolutely no sensors, and the PAM was disabled. BUT… I did find that the loom for the rear sensors was all in place with nothing plugged in. See the connector at the bottom of this picture near the exhaust (it is visible without taking the bumper off):

Note there is a ‘blanking plug’ in the right:

I obtained a used black bumper with 6 sensors, plugged it in and moved onto the next part…

BCM/PAM enablement:

First step is to enable it in the BCM:

BCM Park Aid: 726-46-02 xxxx xxx1 xxxx Park Aid Feature Present

IPC: 720-02-02 1xxx xxxx Park Aid Enabled

Did the above BCM change and it appeared (new profile in Forscan needed):


It came with a random set of incompatible Asbuilt, so first thing was to obtain a copy appropriate to my vehicle age and wrote that in.

This Asbuilt has 6 sensors on front and rear. As I dont have the front bumper (yet!) I had to make amendments.

I am currently rocking this Asbuilt (note - I have also disabled the asbuilt relating to the ‘disable PDC button’ as I havent bothered getting one:

2888 0009
0001 0000
0600 4218
0000 2002
08C4 2200

Last two things was to set the APIM for 6 sensors on rear:

DE03/7D0-04-02: xx**-xx
06=Rear SAPP (EU HMI)

I also made a change to the IPC through the Forscan ‘friendly view’ - in my case enabling rear only:

I DIDNT enable the ‘parking aid indicator’ as I think this shows the parking sensors on the IPC.

End result was the parking sensors on the rear (x4 of them) show up just fine on the APIM, and sound works through the speakers as expected!

@bakedpatato hope that helps!

@bakedpatato, Did you make any progress on this?

Unfortunately no, I was messing with the values provided but I still can’t get the PDC HMI to display :frowning:

Could you post your PAM asbuilt? If you have the factory asbuilt still loaded, shown above, it will not work…

Try this in the PAM:
736-05-01 xxxx xxx* xx
HMI Display Type
HMI Legacy

Is flank guard = sips (side impact protection) the little yellow lights in the wing mirrors. ??

If yes does that show on the little park assist car in the top right on some models ?

Flank Guard is On Screen Object Detection for All Sensors When Driving Slowly. Although it uses the same sensors as Enhanced Park Assist, APA, etc., it is a seperate feature. Flank Guard is a feature that alerts the driver of hazards present or approaching the vehicle while the vehicle is moving slowly. It may be implemented a little differently on different vehicles due to the vehicle design or restrictions.

There is plenty of misinformation on the internet about Flank Guard. Some saying that the car must be in reverse and the screen active. This is APA, or in the newer vehicles EPA, not Flank Guard.

These are the settings in the APIM related to APA and Flank Guard:
Object Detection for Rear View Camera (Car Icon In Top Right Corner)
7D0-01-01 xXxx xxxx xxxx
Flank Guard (On Screen Object Detection for All Sensors When Driving Slowly)
7D0-02-02 xXxx xxxx xxxx
Park Assist Modes (APA, etc.)
7D0-04-02 xxxX xx

To your question:
Is flank guard = sips (side impact protection) the little yellow lights in the wing mirrors?

I have not seen indicators in the mirrors in Flank Guard, however, BLIS (BLIS=Blind Spot Information System) does use indicators in the mirrors. This is combined with CTA (Cross Traffic Alert).
BLIS uses radar sensors on both sides near the rear of the vehicle. When a vehicle is detected in your blind spot, you are alerted with an indicator light in the side view mirror.
The Cross-Traffic Alert feature also uses this radar to help detect traffic behind your vehicle when you’re slowly backing out of a parking spot or driveway. When it detects a vehicle approaching from either side, it flashes an indicator light in the side view mirrors (same as BLIS) and emits an audible warning. Also, a visual display in the message center indicates from which direction the vehicle is coming.

The vehicle depiction on the screen top right is the Object Detection for Rear View Camera.

Yep, on my Fusion that has CTA/BLIS a warning shows up on the IPC, same went for a 2019 Flex I drove a while back. Nothing shows up on the APIM for both those cars when there’s a cross traffic alert.

@F150Chief been slacking, I’ll get the As Built to you tonight, however through my random stumblings I did try that legacy setting to no avail. I wonder if I need to drive the car a bit after every change to the PAM…

I’ve never seen the CTA display work on the APIM…

Not sure, but I see @Vchat20 is on and commenting…?