I bricked my sync3 using the updater... What do I need to replace?

Based on the VIN you sent me, that is the original asbuilt for the APIM for this vehicle:

7D0-01-01 A221 0503 2BCF
7D0-01-02 0283 0000 0A69
7D0-02-01 4341 0104 40A3
7D0-02-02 8200 0000 005D
7D0-02-03 0000 DC
7D0-03-01 0000 0002 00DD
7D0-04-01 0100 0000 00DD
7D0-04-02 0001 DE
7D0-05-01 198C 198C 2E55
7D0-05-02 0EEC
7D0-06-01 805E
7D0-07-01 0A00 3300 001C
7D0-07-02 0000 0EF9 00E7
7D0-07-03 0056 5684 0011
7D0-07-04 694B

The APIM is original to the vehicle:


Most likely the issue is the Strategy (F188) file, GB5T-14G374-AF. This file has been identified as problematic with bad or incorrect addressing which can cause the failure of the APIM to boot. It is possible to re-flash this file with a newer corrected version with FORScan and the USB adapter.

Read the FORScan instructions for programming modules.
Updating Module Firmware with FORScan, Program Guide Revised 09/2021 - Ford / Information - CyanLabs Official Community

You will need to reprogram the Strategy file.
After you reprogram the Strategy file, you must reload the asbuilt for the APIM all at once. Use the “Load All” button at the bottom of the asbuilt configuration page. Force write the asbuilt.
This will hopefully recover the unit.