INSTL_ERR12 message when trying to update

Hi I seem to be having the same problems as everyone else but I can’t seem to find anything that’s worked so far with updating my sync 3 I get the dreaded INSTL_ERR12 message when trying to update I’ve done master resets done soft resets and nothing is working please please help me

SYNC Region: EU

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 3.4.22251

New SYNC Version: 3.4.22251

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version: Syn2.0

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes

Syn3 Updater Log File

Do you feel special by spamming the same question all over the place?.

If none of the methods described in the guide APIM Sync Settings Not Saving, VER_ERR08 Errors, Cannot Perform Master Reset or Upgrades/Updates (Solved) work, we do not have anything else to recommend.

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