VIN: 9BFZD55P9JB593643
Versão NU5T-14G381-AD
Modelo APIM: JR3T-14G371-BED
Tipo APIM: Non-Navigation
Tamanho APIM: 8GB
Espaço Livre APIM: 2.4G
05/12/2023 20:50:04 +00:00

Partition Type = Free / Total
/fs/Nuance/ = 23M / 480M
/fs/rwdata/ = 713M / 1.2G
/fs/rwdata/quip/ = 35M / 35M
/fs/rwdata/quip/ = 90M / 90M
/fs/mp/ = 84M / 1.4G
/fs/images/ = 2.4G / 3.0G

Installed Packages

APIM AsBuilt
DE00: 0B706404000048160800
DE01: 425201060B6225A000800005
DE02: 0300010000
DE03: 01000782010001
DE04: 168A16442640
DE05: 00
DE06: 1000330000000000A70000043057005A

Ok!, lets try this:

  • Download 5U5T-14G391-DS, place it under the SyncMyRide folder like any other package.
  • Use this autoinstall.lst file on the USB’s root:

; Manual voice Install
Item1 = VOICE - 5U5T-14G391-DS_1660784642000.TAR.GZ
Open1= SyncMyRide\5U5T-14G391-DS_1660784642000.TAR.GZ
Options = AutoInstall

Give that a try and report how it goes.

It worked, thank you very much, if Ford had spent 5 dollars more on 16GB it wouldn’t have had this problem on the basic 6.5 apim.
One question is whether it is possible to replace the internal memory, like is it a micro SD or is it soldered?

Awesome!, glad it worked.
Just remember that you will have to do this in the future should you decide to upgrade again in the future… It would be nice to see how much free space the unit has now with the “correct” voice package installed… Could you please re-run an interrogator log and share the results?.

It’s odd you had issues with the install Syn3updater gave you… maybe we can tweak that… maybe not…

In all fairness, you were never supposed to have 3.4 running on your vehicle, so these issues are expected to happen and Ford can’t be really be blamed here…

No, you can’t expand the internal storage, you would have to look into getting a new APIM with more storage… 16 GB if you do not want to add Navigation or a 32GB one if you want NAV.

Technically you can replace the eMMC daughter board but you will need to program it etc

VIN: 9BFZD55P9JB593643
Versão NU5T-14G381-AD
Modelo APIM: JR3T-14G371-BED
Tipo APIM: Non-Navigation
Tamanho APIM: 8GB
Espaço Livre APIM: 1.6G
06/12/2023 09:51:19 +00:00

Partition Type = Free / Total
/fs/Nuance/ = 4.7M / 1.3G
/fs/rwdata/ = 706M / 1.2G
/fs/rwdata/quip/ = 35M / 35M
/fs/rwdata/quip/ = 90M / 90M
/fs/mp/ = 84M / 1.4G
/fs/images/ = 1.6G / 3.0G

Installed Packages

APIM AsBuilt
DE00: 0B706404000048160800
DE01: 425201060B6225A000800005
DE02: 0300010000
DE03: 01000782010001
DE04: 168A16442640
DE05: 00
DE06: 1000330000000000A70000043057005A

I want to thank you for your help, you helped me a lot, thank you

Brazil’s maps are also on ANZ? And by the way, the word “Deteção” is incorrect, should be “Detecção”. “Deteção” seems to be the portuguese form.

Strange, I used to install ROW and it worked.

Languages were community driven, people made a mess of it, Syn3 Updater now only continues to be maintained in English

Are you willing to create, run an interrogator log and share the output?.

Ok, I’ll try to create an USB interrogator stick manually (Linux here)

Tutorial: APIM Interrogator Utility/Create Interrogator Log - Ford / Guides - CyanLabs Official Community

It’s funny that it all started at LST_ERR05, and now I’m having LST_ERR05 on the interrogator :sweat_smile:

Sync_WW7L4457_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml (10,3,KB)

Interrogator’s output


Yeah, you have ANZ maps installed, not ROW, so no surprises there :wink:

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