Tutorial: APIM Interrogator Utility/Create Interrogator Log

Tutorial: APIM Interrogator Utility/Create Interrogator Log

This utility will output an xml file that contains information about the APIM including the storage, asbuilt, serial number, hardware and software part numbers, as well as strategy and calibration versions. The xml file contains information on installed map and NAV_Voice files, if applicable to the APIM. The file can be opened in your browser or viewed thru the Syn3 Updater.

Using this utility will not affect the installation of software or firmware on your Sync unit, as it only collects information related to the hardware and software, nothing more. It does not collect information on location or contacts, nor does it report anything to Ford, etc. It only produces an xml file to your USB drive in the SyncMyRide directory.


  1. Please remove your VIN from the file and filename if you post the xml file on the forum.
  2. All the files needed can be found at Software Database - CyanLabs.
  3. Syn3 Updater can be used to create an Interrogator Log USB in the Tools section. The generated xml file can also be parsed thru the application.

Preparation and Execution

Download the appropriate file for your Sync version based on the production date and software. (Based on Ford recommendations and update packaging.)

  • For Sync 3.0 version 1.0/2.2/2.3, use file GB5T-14G386-AA. (Released 2016-05-26)
  • For Sync 3.2/3.3 all versions, use file GB5T-14G386-AB. (Released 2018-10-11)
  • For Sync 3.4.18347 to 3.4.20237, use file GB5T-14G386-AC. (Released 2020-02-19)
  • For Sync 3.4.20282 to 3.4.23088, use file GB5T-14G386-AD. (Released 2020-10-07)
  • For Sync 3.4.23188 to present, use file GB5T-14G386-AE. (Released 2023-07-13) (Package not available at the moment, use the -AD version)

If you have installed Sync 3.2+ (3.2, 3.3, 3.4) on an older APIM that was previously running Sync 3.0, you may find that the xml file may not populate the information properly. If the -AD file version does not work properly, use the -AC or -AB file version. A Master Reset may be required in some cases.

This installation will be run identically to an app or voice file install. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a USB drive (format as EXFAT) with a SyncMyRide folder.

  2. Copy the utility file downloaded above into the SyncMyRide folder.

  3. In the root of the USB is the autoinstall.lst and DONTINDX.MSA files which you can obtain from any upgrade you previously performed.

  4. You will need to edit the autoinstall.lst file so it looks like the example below, using the filename for the file you downloaded. This is an example.

     Item1 = GB5T-14G386-AC_1587495565000.TAR.GZ
     Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AC_1587495565000.TAR.GZ
     Options = Delay,Include,Transaction
  5. Insert USB in vehicle and wait for the installation to complete. You should see a message indicating completion.

  6. Remove the USB drive. On your computer, insert the drive and browse to the USB drive\SyncMyRide and open the xml file. Scroll to the bottom of the file to see your storage. The asbuilt info is also in the file near the top identified by the entries β€˜Direct Configuration DID DE00’ thru β€˜β€¦DE06’. Be aware the data presented does not include the asbuilt checksum data for each code line.

APIM Interrogator Logfile (XML) Information

This data can also be viewed with the Syn3 Updater as noted above. Remember to please remove your VIN from the file and filename if you post the xml file on the forum.

Embedded Consumer Operating System Part Number

In the xml file, locate the entry indicating β€˜8033’ DIDValue. This is the current Sync application file installed on the APIM.

Embedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers Decoding

In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜8060’ and 8061’ DIDValue. These code lines are hex encoded information containing the software packages installed on the APIM. To decode this information, you will need a HEX to ASCII decoder, like this:
Hex to ASCII | Hex to Text converter (rapidtables.com)
Copy the hex data from the '8060" DIDValue in the xml file and load the data to the hex converter and decode the data. The result will be a list of software packages installed on the APIM. Repeat for the β€˜8061’ DIDValue.

Below is an example of the xml file. The data to copy is in bold. In this case there is no data needed from the β€˜8061’ line as it is all 0.

d2p1:DID didFormat=β€œPacketed” didType=β€œEmbedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1” didValue=β€œ8060” responseLength=β€œ384”>
d2p1:DID didFormat=β€œPacketed” didType=β€œEmbedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1” didValue=β€œ8061” responseLength=β€œ384”>

For this example, the installed software packages are:

Direct Configuration DID DE00 thru DE06

In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜DE00’ thru β€˜DE06’ DIDValue. These code lines are hex encoded information containing the asbuilt programming on the APIM. These values can be edited with FORScan, UCDS, FDRS, or equivalent application. Be aware the data presented does not include the asbuilt checksum data for each code line. See the Sync 3 APIM Database - CyanLabs for detailed information for the values.

Firmware and Hardware Part Numbers

Data reported by GB5T-14G386-AB, GB5T-14G386-AC:
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F110’ DIDValue. This is the On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number. Part numbers beginning with DS-1U5T-14G371-xx are MY18.5+ hardware.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F111’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Core Assembly Number. This is the APIM hardware number.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F113’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Delivery Assembly Number. This is the APIM part number. This is different than the APIM and Screen assembly.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F124’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Calibration Data #1 Number. This is the APIM Calibration file.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F141’ DIDValue. This is the Private Sub Node #1 Serial Number.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F162’ DIDValue. This is the Software Download Specification Version.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F163’ DIDValue. This is the Diagnostic Specification Version.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F188’ DIDValue. This is the Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number. This is the APIM Strategy file.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F18C’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Serial Number.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F1D0’ DIDValue. This is the ECU MAC Address 1.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F1D1’ DIDValue. This is the ECU MAC Address 2.

Additional data reported by GB5T-14G386-AD, GB5T-14G386-AE:
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F10A’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Cal-Config Part Number. This is the ECU Configuration/Sound Profiles file.
In the xml file, locate the entries indicating β€˜F16B’ DIDValue. This is the ECU Cal-Config #2 Part Number. This is the ECU Configuration/Illumination Strategy file.

Additional Attributes

Under this section is the log generation date and time, the installation log Sync data, as well as storage capacity and use. We are mainly concerned with the storage parameters.

Storage (Partition Health)

Depending on the model of APIM and region, there will be several partitions defined in the onboard storage, or memory. The storage statistics will show what is installed and the storage space required for the installation along with the free storage space available. Of particular interest here is the β€œrwdata” folder, which is data folder for Sync to store temporary information such as operator presets, XM logos, Sync upgrade processes, etc. If this folder is full then Sync will start to be slow and non-responsive. See this tutorial for further information.

APIM Sync Settings Not Saving, VER_ERR08 Errors, Cannot Perform Master Reset or Upgrades/Updates (Solved) - Ford / Information - CyanLabs Official Community.

This is an example of a full rwdata partition:

Partition Type = Total / Free
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=β€œ/fs/Nuance/” total=β€œ465M” available=β€œ3.2M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=β€œ/fs/rwdata/” total=β€œ1.2G” available=β€œ0”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=β€œ/fs/mp/” total=β€œ496K” available=β€œ17K”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=β€œ/fs/mp/” total=β€œ1.4G” available=β€œ505M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=β€œ/fs/images/” total=β€œ25G” available=β€œ24G”/>