Can I use Reformat method?

Thanks for the logs.
Interesting, there’s no mention to the APIM’s model in that log…

The reason I’m asking is because this could be due to a “wrong” interrogator log version being used. It’s ok for you not to know which version you used, if you created the interrogator log with the tool. There’s something worth trying to make it work: recreate the interrogator log with 3.4.19200 as your current version, and check on the UBS which package is created. It should use the -AC version, but it may be a good idea trying the -AD one if the USB is created with the -AC version. More information about the interrogator tool → Tutorial: APIM Interrogator Utility/Create Interrogator Log

Sadly, yes. The issue with MY20s is that the leaked reformat tool does not have the proper drivers needed for MY20 screens which results in a black screen during reformat (we have some users that were able to recover their units by temporarily using a not-MY20 screen to complete the process on their MY20 units; but to some that didn’t work either)

It’s not likely that a stock not-my20 J series APIM has a my20 screen attached to it, but only way to be certain if you are unsure about the APIM’s origins is to look at the stickers they have.

The log you provided is for a reformat operation, so it would not auto-install, but reformat the unit.

Since you have NA maps, you could perform the update via autoinstall. Here’s a configuration with MY20 enabled:

As you can see at the bottom left, it’s auto-install.
More information about auto-installing NA maps can be found here → Tutorial: 2020 North America 2.20 Map Installation (Stand-Alone without Reformat) with Updated NAV_Voice 06/21/2021

And yes, auto-install will be really slow compared to reformat.

Yes, if your unit does not have any MY20 component, reformat should be safe and faster.

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